
Minuteman Project: Conclusion

I did not do any patrolling this last weekend, but I did attend the MMP conclusion ceremony. Here are some photos from the ceremony.

A very tasty cake:

Jim Gilchrist:

Our favorite local residents:

Minuteman Flag:

Of course the media was there:

Chris Simcox and myself:

Interestingly, even as we were chatting with the media, the Border Patrol was busy picking up some illegals in the area just behind the church we were at. I don't know how many they located.


The Minuteman Project is something that history will not soon forget. American citizens, determined to be heard, gathered together under the rights secured in the First Amendment. And we were heard. Our nation is now obsessed with talk about immigration, and our politicians cannot ignore it any more.

Something else was different about the Minuteman Project- and this drew me to it more than anything else. This was a peaceful gathering that actually did something about the problem instead of waving signs and shouting slogans. Well, we did that too... but at the same time we were actually on the border taking care of the problem we wanted the nation to hear about. Any we did it; it worked. Our goals were met. We secured our section of the border, and the word is out. Only time will tell if our politicians will hear us, or be voted out of office.

I learned a few things during this project.

I have learned that this immigration issue is so much more than I originally knew. Even before I signed up, I was convinced that this issue was bad enough that I should leave my family every spare day and vacation day I had for a month. But I learned that this is not only an economic issue, this is not only a cultural issue. This is an invasion with the intention of taking over our cities and influencing our elections.

I have learned that illegals who come here "for a chance at a better life" don't care whose land they trash, whose animals they kill, whose tax dollars they steal. They dont care if a hospital or school closes as long as they can get something now for free. They don't care who they insult when they joke about who has avoided deportation the longest. They spit on our soverignty when they ignore the laws of our border, and claim they are not criminals.

I have learned that the phrase "porous border" is an understatement. The fence might as well be a spoon in the Matrix- there is no fence. I have seen sections of the so-called fence where the barbed wire is cut literally between every other fence post. I have seen sections of the fence where the fence posts are nothing more than sticks picked up off the ground. I have seen paths created by illegals that have been traveled so much that they are literally feet deep, so one could simply walk under the fence.

I have learned that our government cares not about security, but control. What is the point of forcing everyone who flies to go through a checkpoint, take their possessions without compensation and make them risk jail time, all to protect a plane with 100 people in it, but leave a border such as this one where anyone can simply walk into one of our cities, with populations in the millions, to poison a water supply? to shoot at a school? to set off a car bomb at a mall? to detonate a nuclear device? What is the point of regulating our driver's licenses when the real solution is keep the illegals out to begin with? No, our government has other agendas, and they have nothing to do with our safety. They care nothing of the Fourth Amendment and assume guilt until we prove we are innocent. Our border is proof they don't care.

I have learned that "Republican" does not always mean "conservative." I will vote conservative from now on.

I have learned that our nation no longer knows what a "traitor" is, or how to deal with them. There are many traitors in our nation today, from civilians to elected officials. It wasn't too long ago that these people would be tried, convicted and executed for what they have done to this country.

I have learned the importance of sovereignty, and I have learned how little it means to many of our elected officials. I have learned the dangers of globalization, and how it will destroy not only this country, but ultimately oppress the world under a socialist world government.

I have learned that the true cause of illegal immigration is the liberal way of thinking and socialism. We allow anyone into this country, we don't allow our law enforcement to ask about someone's legal status, and we provide "day labor" locations for them to get work (illegally) all in the name of liberal ideals. They come here because we redistribute our wealth straight into their pockets. Our companies hire them because it is so expensive to hire Americans who, understandably, would rather live off of our socialist wealth redistribution instead of working for low wages. So instead of getting a hard-working American, we get an over-worked abused Mexican shipping his wages and welfare check to Mexico and an unemployed American living off of someone else's money he believes he is "entitled" to. This in turn raises taxes for everyone making welfare sound even better since you can't keep much of your money anyhow. This makes American workers even less competitive, which encourages companies to hire more Mexicans. Pretty soon, that's going to be the only way for a company to stay in business, similar to how a company currently can't stay in business unless it outsources as much as possible or simply buys all of its products from overseas. And the vicious cycle continues until the system collapses. I, for one, don't see how this is going to work out. I have learned that this is not the companies' faults- the blame is purely on the shoulders of liberals and socialism.

I have learned that the Second Amendment is even more important than I had realized. I thought I had this one figured out, but there is so much more to the right to keep and bear arms. The Minuteman Project was a group standing up to the government DEMANDING that they do their job, a job that the government does not want to do. Had we not been an armed group, I have very little doubt that we would not all have been arrested on some bogus charge. Rumor has it that it was discussed anyway by our wonderful Governor Napolitano, but she decided it was better to "ignore us." Our right to keep and bear arms protected our right to assemble peacefully, of that I have no doubt. The biggest thing I learned is that the simple right to keep and bear arms did this- we never fired a shot, nor did we threaten to. Oh yeah, our guns also kept us safe from drug runners who I am sure left us alone because they knew we could (and would) fight back.

I have learned that Mexican military cross the border onto U.S. soil, shoot at American civilians and Border Patrol agents, and no one seems to care.

I have learned that there are some decent journalists. I was pleased to find more decent than bad. But bad journalists unfortunately exist as well. I also learned that while there are decent journalists, the bad ones seem to get published easier.

I have learned that liberals are racists. When they look at someone they can't see anything but their color. They simply must separate everyone into groups based on thair race, and can't see beyond those groups. Worst of all, they can't imagine anyone else thinking any differently, which is why they kept calling us racists.

I have learned that no one in the ACLU can stomach the sight of a good guy with a gun. And when one tries to strike up friendly conversation, they speak in one-word sentences, afraid to make eye contact, while hurrying to their cars to drive away as fast as possible.

I have learned that liberalism is, in fact, a mental disorder. I have learned that freedom is the cure.

I learned that there are still patriots left in America. After years of so little hope, I am proud of the American flag again. The flag again represents the people of this nation who are unafraid to stand up to our government and say "enough is enough, we want our country back."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding traitors...I've been saying for some time that the Cold War is over, and Communist won in America. That's why you have a FLOOD of ppl coming here from all over the world. THey should all be singing the Internationale, and chanting, "NO Borders!" Liberalism is just another word for Communism, and if it succeeds, life as we know it in America is over. We will be a Third World country.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I have learned that "Republican" does not always mean "conservative." I will vote conservative from now on.”
Don’t quite understand this statement.

“I have learned that our nation no longer knows what a "traitor" is, or how to deal with them. There are many traitors in our nation today,”
Who are they?

“I have learned that the true cause of illegal immigration is the liberal way of thinking and socialism.”

“I have learned that liberals are racists.”
How did you learn this?

“I have learned that no one in the ACLU can stomach the sight of a good guy with a gun.”
How does one know a good guy with a gun from a bad guy with a gun?

9:37 AM  
Blogger Calan said...

I'd be happy to explain...

The Republican party is control happy, and they simply can't help but spend every tax dollar they can find to get more control over people. This is not conservatism. Conservatism means small government that stays out of our lives and allows us to live free. There are more than two parties, I will vote conservative, not necessarily Republican.

As far as traitors go- I could name a few by name but I hope you will understand if I don't.

I am not sure how I could explain more about how socialism is the reason for all this. I am not sure what exactly you want me to explain further... Read the post again, if you need further explanation on something specific I'll try to answer it.

I learned liberals are racists because they simply MUST divide everyone into ethnic/racial groups. We go to the border to report non-Americans crossing illegally, and somehow all they can see is ethnic or racial groups. I don't care if the person is black, white, brown, yellow, red, green or purple. If they are not American (or lack permission to be here) then they should not be here. This has nothing to do with race, but has everything to do with citizenship. Yet somehow all the liberals can see is race.

How do you know a bad guy with a gun from a good guy with a gun... This question has so many levels it's frightening. I'll answer a few without getting them confused.

-A PRACTICAL ANSWER: if the gun is holstered and visible, you have little to fear. While both good guys and bad guys conceal, bad guys intending to do bad things nearly never carry open.

-AN OBVIOUS ANSWER: another way to answer is that you simply can't tell, which is why I carry a gun, and it’s why YOU should carry a gun too. The police can't respond faster than a speeding bullet, so it's ultimately up to you to defend yourself and your family from the ones that end up being the bad guys.

-THE “GUNS ARE NOT EVIL” ANSWER: I would also like to answer by saying that the question itself hints on guns = bad. How can you tell a good guy WITHOUT a gun from a bad guy WITHOUT a gun? The fact that someone has a gun means nothing about "goodness" or "badness."

I will elaborate a bit with a hypothetical, bear with me. If I was standing in front of you in McDonalds wearing a gun on my hip, would you feel worried? Would you wonder if I was going to rob the store? What if your kids were standing right there next to all this? Now instead, what if it were a cop in front of you with his service gun on his hip? Would you feel differently? The fact is that as far as your safety goes, you are equally as safe with me as you are with the cop (if not even more so if you look at the statistics), and in either case you are safer than having no good guys with guns around at all (because what if a bad guy with a gun walks in?).

The fact that someone has a gun does not mean they are good, it does not mean that they are bad. I carry a gun for the same reason the police do- to protect myself and to protect those around me if the need ever arises (I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it).

-THE “YOU MISSED THE POINT” ANSWER: The point I was making however is that the ACLU that I met down there simply can't imagine any good person in possession of a gun (except for the government I would assume, but even this I would not be so sure about). They were scared to death. I never did a thing to them other than be as polite as possible, but they ran in terror whenever I simply tried to greet them, never taking their eyes off the gun. To them the gun was more than a tool, it was pure evil forged into tangible reality in the depths of Mount Doom. I might as well have had the One Ring around my neck. Never mind my character, never mind my intentions, never mind my religious obsession about keeping the law, never mind my love for this country- I had a gun, therefore I wanted to kill whatever was in sight. People with guns simply can't help it. The emanating evil simply takes over their mind and they begin to search for the next child they can murder.

That brings me to the point of my statement. The statement wasn't intended to say that they couldn't tell if I was a good guy or a bad guy. It was intended to say that they simply could not compute seeing someone who is a good guy with a gun, so their mind simply defaulted to "he must be evil." That’s what was in their eyes.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I walk out of a McDonalds and see you standing there with a gun on your hip, what the heck makes you think that I would feel safe? You can be sure I'd be wondering what your doing, making me think I was safer then if a policeman was standing there would not be something I would be think.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Calan said...

And that's exactly my point. You see a gun and instantly you would assume I am planning something bad or that I am not to be trusted, but the cop you would trust. Reality is very different however. I would protect your life if it came to it just as quickly as the cop would, as would almost everyone else who commonly carries a gun.

I am curious about a few things...

What would honestly be going through your head if you saw me with a gun on my hip at McDonalds?

What would you do about it (assuming we are in a state where it is legal)?

What state do you live in?

Would you ever carry a gun? If not, why not?

8:50 PM  
Blogger Calan said...

One more question:

My wife carries all the time too. What would you think if you saw her walk into McDonalds with a 9-month-old and a gun on her hip?

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest, I see anyone packing outside of a McDonalds I think I'm looking at a nut case.
I would split and call the cops.

Yes I own guns but I do not carry unless I'm hunting.

Ohio and we have conceal carry laws.

But I don't understand how I'm to tell you from a bad guy. I know how long it takes to unstrap a pistol and pull it out, not long. Really, you can come to Cincinati Ohio, see me walking down the street with a gun on my hip and you can tell I'm a good guy? And you would feel safer then if you saw a policeman?

8:05 PM  
Blogger Calan said...

First I would like to thank you for returning to post, I am enjoying our conversation.

Now both AZ and OH are open carry states (OH has preemption for permit holders only, local laws apply). If you called the cops (especially in AZ) you would be told to stop wasting their time- carrying a gun is legal.

My comments about being safer with me than with a cop come from a statistic- "11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person." (Gun Facts, p45, www.gunfacts.info) I highly recommend you visit that site and download the free e-book and look through it.

Answering your question- if you can see my gun, you can usually tell if I am a bad guy. If I am pointing my gun / shooting at you or those around you, I am a bad guy. If it is holstered until someone commits the previous situation, I am a good guy. If I don't have a gun at all, I could still be either. “90% of all violent crimes in the U.S. do not involve firearms of any type” (p40). You can bet the remaining 10% hide their gun. You can also bet that the 90% without the guns can kill you just as dead with a steak knife he stole from Denny’s, because his knife is 100 times more effective than the gun that you don’t have. But since he would be hiding that until it’s too late, so again you wouldn’t know then either. Anyone can be a bad guy, it doesn’t take a gun. It’s the person, not the weapon. And since the bad guys nearly always appear unarmed until they attack, you simply never know for sure about ANYONE. Therefore I very highly recommend you take a concealed carry course and start carrying, and stop relying on someone else to protect you: “The courts have consistently ruled that the police do not have an obligation to protect individuals” (p52), nor can they. I have no doubt they would if they could, but it simply is not possible. “95% of the time police arrive too late to prevent a crime or arrest the suspect.” (p53)

I am still curious why you would think someone who is carrying is a nut case. Please explain this to me, I honestly don't understand. These questions are not attacks, I honestly want to understand where you are coming from. Why is being armed so bad? Why would you think that someone who is carrying a holstered gun is worth calling the police about? Why do you think that because someone has a gun they are actively looking for a reason to use it? Why do you think differently about police? Why would you prefer trusting your life to the criminal robbing you before you would carry a gun? Why do you WANT to be defenseless?

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you read this artical http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/mexico/20050604-9999-1n4texas.html
This is why I think your minuteman thing is/was doing some good, bring some national attention to the US/ Mexican border. Not so much about the Illegal workers but terrorist.

Sorry but here in Cincinnati we see a women go in a place with a baby on one hip and a gun on the other we think we have a real nut case on our hands.
Didn't see anything like this the last time I was in Tucson either. Now you go on down into Kentucky one can see women carrying guns and other strange things.
The last Murder near Cincinnati was a wife shooting her husband 7 times with a 9mm,family and friends all say she was the nicest person.
Spent along weekend down at Lukeville hiking in Organ Pipe N.M.(a few years ago)went unarmed the whole time. Crazy huh?
Lot of the Mexicans crossing the border end up here in Cincinnati. Model Citizens as far as I can tell, they understandably keep a low profile. But they are having a Mexican fiesta street party every summer. This the beginning of them taking over? This is in Homewood Place a Cincinnati subburb,how many are illegal I don't know. Pretty much don't ask, don't tell. As far as the Mexicans are concerned I think NAFTA and multi-national agriculture corporations have as much to do with it as anything
Motorcycles are good, even better in the dirt.
Check me out. www.patchthinks.blogspot.com
It's mostly for fun.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Calan said...

I still don't see why wanting to protect myself and my family makes me a nut case, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. I would rather be considered a nut case than having no means of self defense if/when it eventually does happen.

You mentioned a murder in Cincinnati- again it just shows you that you never know who or when. You also mentioned that you went hiking for a weekend unarmed and nothing happened. You could work in the worst part of town and never have anything happen at all, but then get robbed in the parking lot of the nicest restaurant in town. Then again it might happen on the way to work. These events are relatively rare in any given individual's life, but they happen, and they happen randomly. You don't know when, you don't know where, and you don't know who.

I hope you have taken the time to take a look at that e-book. I'd like to know what you think.

I had not seen that particular article, but I am very aware of the problem it talks about. That's what happens when you have too many laws. The more laws you have, the more loopholes you get.

You said that "Lot of the Mexicans crossing the border end up here in Cincinnati. Model Citizens as far as I can tell..." In fact that's not true for two reasons.

First, every illegal is a criminal. They are criminals the moment they step onto US soil (hence the term "ILLEGAL alien"). For many of them, doing so is a felony, therefore these people are felons. That and there is the fact that the crime rate from illegals is significantly higher than the rest of the population. Individually you might find some that are decent (other than breaking the law to enter the US illegally), but as a whole it would be near impossible to convince me they are "model." It would be difficult even on an individual level since they committed a crime against every citizen of this country.

Second, they are also not "citizens." They are "aliens." They are citizens of Mexico, not America. They are loyal to Mexico, not America. Heritage is one thing, loyalty is another. If they are holding the fiesta as a heritage celebration, that's fine. If it's a Mexican pep-rally to remind them of their loyalties, then yes- it's part of the invasion.

"I think NAFTA and multi-national agriculture corporations have as much to do with it as anything." No argument from me on that one...

I took a look at your blog. I like it, it's fun!

9:50 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Ok, a few more questions.

“But I learned that this is not only an economic issue, this is not only a cultural issue. This is an invasion with the intention of taking over our cities and influencing our elections.”
I still see it as an economic and cultural issue, what did you learn that makes you believe this is an invasion? I still think American business interests have more to do with it then anything. Do you think the Mexicans want to take back the southwest?

“Had we not been an armed group, I have very little doubt that we would not all have been arrested on some bogus charge.”
Does this mean you would have resisted arrests with arms?

“I have learned that liberals are racists.” Really? I guess I have to redefine myself I thought I was more liberal then anything else, maybe not. I know all kinds of people are crossing the border illegally, but are not the greater part Mexican? How many Europeans or Asians have you seen? I mean is my thinking that most are Mexicans making me a racist.

As far as the Mexicans I see here in Cincinnati, by model, I mean they are not breaking any laws, (other then being illegal) they are not destroying anything, and if they are trying to take over Cincinnati, they are doing a good job of being quiet about it. The fiesta that I went to was attended mostly by young couples with children (Mexican) and looked to me they were having too much fun to be plotting the overthrow of the United States or Cincinnati for that matter. Any way my point being is that I think these Mexicans are here for economics not political reasons. And their kids are going to school, as I drive by the local elementary school I see Mexicans going in. Anyway I don’t see the Mexicans them selves as the problem but a symptom of world economics. No more then the Germans, Irish, Chinese or Italians.
Ok, I understand why you feel safe bring armed, but I’m telling you it doesn’t make me feel safe. I looked thru the gunfacts thing, nothing I haven’t read before. Statistic as you know don’t mean a lot as they can be used to prove anything. I’m not anti-gun, but think something needs to be done about them as far as crime goes. And I think the NRA should be the ones to come up with something. I haven’t been anywhere that I felt the need to be armed, except for Yellowstone Park when a bear came walking over the ridge. A can of pepper spray kind of left me feeling a little lacking in fire power. (black bear) AS in most cities, there are parts of Cincinnati that I would feel unsafe in, armed or unarmed.
I’ll most likely have more questions for you.

Man you sure learned a lot down there on the border, next time I’m in Arizona I’m going to spend more time down in Lukeville.

12:31 AM  
Blogger Calan said...

Yes, they are trying to take over the Southwest. Many of them will say openly that the Southwest rightfully belongs to them and is in reality a part of Mexico, or should be, and WE don’t have a right to be here. They call it Aztlan. They are succeeding in some areas such as LA, where I believe the ILLEGAL population is something like 65% of the total population (I need to verify that number). Cincinnati is a different story, they are not trying to invade Ohio, they are simply looking for work.

I also need to point out that most illegals come here with the intention of getting a job and making money to send back home (that's bad enough in my opinion). The invasion isn't the intention of the individuals, it's the intention of the Mexican government and in my opinion our own government because they refuse to fix the problem (Bush is a very big "One World Order" type of guy). While the individuals are loyal to Mexico, and while they do believe that the Southwest belongs to Mexico, their intention is almost always work, but the result is the same.

No, I would not have resisted had we been arrested, with arms or without arms. I made that decision before going to the border (what does that say about our government?). I would have cooperated with the police completely, and I would have fought the fight in court. I can't speak for everyone else, but from what I know about the people I met I don't think any of them would have resisted either. However, I believe that Napolitano was afraid of an incident, and knew that such an incident would be bad politically, so I believe it factored into her thinking. It's what I believe, I have no proof.

"I know all kinds of people are crossing the border illegally, but are not the greater part Mexican? How many Europeans or Asians have you seen? I mean is my thinking that most are Mexicans making me a racist."

For some reason people in this country think that "Mexican" is a racial group. People think "European" and "Asian" are racial groups. They are not. "Mexican" is a nationality, and it IS different. "European" and "Asian" could be considered ethnic groups, but in reality they are not. India is in Asia the same as China is- they are not the same ethnic group.

Don't get "nationality" confused with "race" or "ethnicity." A specific nationality often has an ethnic group that holds a majority, but saying that Mexican=Hispanic is the same as saying American=White. I can think of a few ethnic groups here in America that would take offence to that. Mexicans are Mexicans simply because they are citizens of Mexico, it has absolutely nothing to do with skin color.

Most of the people crossing the border were Mexican. I don't see why that means we were discriminating, or how that would be racist. That's not up to us- we report ANYONE crossing the border. We did see more than Mexicans though. I remember some Chinese that one Minuteman group reported (I think there were three or four of them), and I think I remember a group from Europe too, but I won't swear to it and I don't remember what country they were from.

My point is that what the majority of them were does not matter. If you are illegally crossing the border you get reported. I don't see where race enters into this. Yet so many of the liberals called us racist, because that's all they can see. They can't do anything without dividing everyone into racial groups. And no, understanding that most of the people crossing were Mexican isn’t racist in itself. But calling us racists because of it is racist in itself (and I don’t know that you personally ever did that, and I am not trying to imply that). Simply believing that it matters that most are Mexican (or Hispanic) is racist. What race was the majority crossing the border simply doesn’t matter.

"Anyway I don’t see the Mexicans them selves as the problem but a symptom of world economics. No more then the Germans, Irish, Chinese or Italians."

You are right that they are here because of world economics. America opens the door to them, of course they are going to come in. I don't blame them for wanting to. Our socialistic system gives them Americans' money for free, I'd take it too if I were them. But I am loyal to America, so I have to do everything I can to make sure this country is safe. The Mexicans ARE a problem, because they are draining our resources dry, and we simply cannot support them. You may not feel it up in Ohio, but WE DO HERE. And it's only a matter of time before the Southwest is third world (I AM serious), and then you will be feeling it in Ohio too because nothing will be left for them here.

However there is a difference between what is going on now and the Germans, Irish, Chinese, and Italians. They immigrated here legally, and they became loyal Americans. The ones crossing the border are bringing their Mexican loyalty with them, and I have an issue with that.

Also if you don't mind I am going to move our discussion on the firearms related stuff to the firearms portion of the blog. I should have that moved over later today, and it can be found here:


11:02 AM  

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