There are a few things in particular that really have me bothered about this incident:
1) New Orleans was unprepared. They didn't have three days warning, they didn't have one day warning, they had 50 years warning. I guess that's what you get when you trust your government to protect you.
2) Mandatory evacuation. I don't care the consequences, I can never condone the forced removal of a law-abiding citizen from their home. If they want to stay, that's their choice. If they are going to die because of it, let them. They were warned, let them make the decision. That's what freedom is.
3) The attitude of the REFUGEES (-I- will call them what they are). I made up my mind when I saw a news cast of a group of New Orleans citizen chanting "We Want Help!" over and over. Now there are not many situations that I can think of that would necessitate help more than this one. But the attitude of these people is sickening. They have my sympathy, but they have lost my respect.
4) The government wanted blacks to die? Give me a break.
5) People have blamed the federal government for being late delivering help. Again, that's what you get when you depend on the government to keep you safe. However, I cannot disagree more. Help was there as fast as possible, and more than required. In fact, the federal government in reality is not supposed to do anything in a situation like this- nothing at all. Someone show me in the Constitution where the federal government is allowed to help. That's LA's governor's and New Orleans' mayor's problem. Other states can help if they want to (and obviously they do).