
Alpizar was Murdered

I recently got an email alert from the JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership).

Read this link (even if you were familiar with the incident, read it all the way through): http://tinyurl.com/9wd2l

NO PRIVATE GUN OWNER would EVER get away with anything less than a murder conviction for what these guys did. Not to mention perjury and lying to investigators, all three of them federal felony charges. The real sick part is that our federal government says that if they didn't shoot, they would not have been doing their job.

Read the second link: http://tinyurl.com/83z4s

I have had the exact same thoughts and concerns as this man. I have believed that the single biggest threat to my life is my own government, simply because I refuse to give up my freedom and liberty. I don't trust them, I never will, and I believe that the chance that it will get me killed some day is relatively high.

Original JFPO alert:

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

December 20, 2005


In the _New American_, William Grigg discusses the killing
of 44-year old Rigoberto Alpizar by air marshals
(http://tinyurl.com/9wd2l). Says Grigg, "As if being
terrorized at gunpoint weren't enough, the passengers were
marched off the plane with their hands on their head and
then repeatedly prompted by federal authorities to say that
Alpizar claimed to have a bomb in his backpack." This
conservative writer for a conservative magazine makes no
apologies or excuses for the air marshals' actions. Indeed,
he castigates them!

Meanwhile, author and sometime-JPFO writer Claire Wolfe has
published a letter she received from a law-abiding, tax-
paying mainstream gentleman. He writes:

"I decided some time ago that I am a free man and not a
trained seal who will perform for some government thug on
command....I mention this because I wonder if it will get
me killed one day....I will not purchase my life with my
freedom and dignity." (http://tinyurl.com/83z4s)

What these two stories have in common is hope. The common
man -- the ordinary American -- is beginning to wake up and
realize what is happening around him. He is beginning to
notice the society we live in is not the society our
Founding Fathers intended. t's a small sign, but that it
exists at all is cause for (cautious) optimism.

Similar small victories and awakenings are evidenced by the
responses we've received regarding Bill of Rights Day
celebrations, proclamations, and published letters in
newspapers. Some examples:

- Sandy, Utah proclaimed December 15 Bill of Rights Day,
thanks to the efforts of Rodney C.
- Powell Gammill had a column published on Bill of Rights
Day in _Freedom's Phoenix_ (http://tinyurl.com/cxzt2)
- Jan Risher had a column published in the _Lafayette
Daily Advertiser_ on Bill of Rights Day
- Dan T. had a letter published in the _L.A. Daily News_
regarding Bill of Rights Day.
- Bill C in Missouri had a letter about Bill of Rights Day
published in the _Kirkwood/Webster Times_

It may not seem like much right now, but this is only the
beginning. Thank you to everyone who has continued to
spread the ideals of the Bill of Rights. Together we can
bring back a Bill of Rights Culture in America!

Bill of Rights Day 2006 is 360 days away -- how are YOU
planning to celebrate?

- The Liberty Crew


Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2005 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long as the
following JPFO contact information is included:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 1-262-673-9746
Web: http://www.jpfo.org/


A Different Christmas Poem

I am not sure who wrote this.


The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.

My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.

Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.

My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.

In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.

Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.

My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.

A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.

Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!

Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"

For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night." "

It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.

No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.

My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram ways remembers."

My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.

Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.

"I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.

I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..

Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."

"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."

"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?

It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son."

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.

That's payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.


Something That Every American Should See

I got an email from a friend the other day that I think I should pass on:

(click on photo to enlarge)
This statue currently stands outside the Iraqi palace, now home to the 4th Infantry division. It will eventually be shipped home and put in the memorial museum in Fort Hood, TX .

The statue was created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad.

Kalat was so grateful for the Americans liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the American soldiers and their fallen warriors.

Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months.

To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms.

Do you know why we don't hear about this in the news? Because it is heart warming and praise worthy. The media avoids it because it does not have the shock effect.


Minuteman Project: October Weekend 5

The last weekend! I arrived on Friday and joined a volunteer named Bernie at Comms. Montana and Scorpion were elsewhere on the line that night. Bernie, I found out, had been at the same Air Force base that my father was at quite a few years back. They did not know each other well, but it just shows that the world is a small place...

The night was very quiet with no activity until about half an hour before we were to leave for the night. About two miles out, give or take, the sound of an automatic weapon emptying a 20 round magazine pierced the night. I was pretty sure I also heard four shots from a semiautomatic as well- much quieter, most likely a handgun, but no one else reported hearing it. The machine gun was the last to be firing, so if it was a gun battle it sounded like it had won. There was also speculation that they might have been firing just because they knew that we would leave- which we did.

I can't say how impressed I was with the volunteers that night. Everyone was packed up and moved out in a matter of minutes. All of the night vision were returned to Montana and accounted for faster than any previous night, bar none.

Imagine that- no Minuteman busted out an AR15 to start shooting back! One the way out we saw a Border Patrol agent and reported the shooting.

Back at Montana's we decided that it was most likely an AK47, but none of us are gun experts, at least not THAT much of an expert. We also decided to give the volunteers the choice of which line to run the next night. The Naco line, where we had heard the gunfire, or the Huachuca line, where activity had been very scarce. It was the last night and we thought that given the events of the night before we would let them decide. And imagine that- not one vote for the Huachuca line. I was proud!

Chris Simcox was going to join us for the second night. Here is Chris giving one of his typical speeches to some of the volunteers. He is always fun to listen to.

After meeting with the volunteers and preparing to leave for the Naco line, Chris had a surprise for the "Granny Brigade." Chris presented both Montana and Scorpion with "The Eagle Award" for the best run sector in the Project for the month of October! I absolutely could not agree more! It was a pleasure to work with them both, and I am looking forward to it in the future.

Montana and Scorpion holding their "Eagle Awards."

We got out to the line for the last night. This is Whiskey-Alpha and Montana manning Post 12.

While I was visiting Post 12, the local Sheriff stopped by to ask where everyone was going to be for the night. Montana had to show off her "Eagle Award."

The Sheriff would very often stop by- he was very concerned for our safety, and very concerned that we get a proper opportunity to exercise our First Amendment rights. I really cannot say "Thank you" enough!

We made sure he knew about the shooting the night before. "Yeah, there was gunfire! Automatic fire buzzing by our heads! And hand grenades! We lost a lot of good men and women, but we are back tonight anyhow!"

I moved down the line making sure everyone had water and working radios. About half way down the line, I heard over the radio that there was a train on the way. Now when a train arrives, everyone watches it intently. Very often a group will jump off the train while it is still going slow to cross the border. They ride the train to get past the Naco fence and all the Border Patrol in the vicinity of Naco.

While watching the train I we noticed that there were four individuals riding on top of the train. At the time our posts were still all very visible, so I am sure they saw us.

As far as we could see them they did not jump off the train. I guess it is possible that they were not going to, but I am pretty sure that the only reason they did not jump off was because they saw us there.

I then continued down the line, eventually to Post Zero where Chris Simcox was stationed for the night. We discussed politics and law, and I did a short interview for his son (who's callsign for the night was "ACLU") for a school project, apparently involving the citizens' rights to carry guns.

Long, cold, quiet night with no activity. That's alright, we were burned out after a long month anyhow. About 10 minutes before we left for the last time, we all lit every light we had and set off our car alarms. SOME of us even sang "God Bless America." I'll let you guess whether or not I was one of them.

Back at Montana's house. This is Pal, a.k.a. "Minutedog." Minutedog loves cheese.

Scorpion and I always enjoyed talking after a shift about politics, usually involving how socialism is to blame for this whole mess, and will continue to feed the problem until it is eradicated from our country.

In the morning we all met back at Camp Tom Tancredo for breakfast at the Trading Post. I took a few photos before everything was taken down.

This is Headquarters where all radio activity was monitored and any significant activity is logged (That's radio activity, not radioactivity. We don't have nuclear bomb detectors). Often, this is where calls to the Border Patrol were made.

This is "Administration," where I slept in September.

This is the Trading Post, where we would often sit, eat, and discuss how things went the night before and what we can do to improve for the next night.

After breakfast Bernie had another surprise for Montana, Scorpion and Whiskey-Alpha. This is Bernie standing with Montana and Scorpion after presenting them with little Army style Precious Moments figures.

Montana's is holding a map and Scorpion's has a pair of binoculars.

One last photo of Montana, Scorpion and myself before heading home to Tucson after a very long month!

Minuteman Project: October Weekend 4

I arrived at camp around 7:00 and headed out to the Naco line. The line had already been set by Whiskey-Alpha so I found a post to sit at and began to listen.

During the night, Montana spotted a red light on Border Road. We called out on the radio to see if it was one of us. No one responded, so we called Border Patrol. After a while, it became clear that the red light on the road was in fact a Minuteman. When Border Patrol arrived we apologized for the mistake. Thankfully they were in the area already anyway so it wasn't a big deal. To the best of our knowledge that was the first and only mistake so far, but it is bound to happen at some point!

Just before calling in the line for the night, Post 12 saw a couple across the border looking like they were preparing to cross. They had seen the volunteers at Post 12, so they just sat there and waited. We decided to have Post 12 pull out early and park up the street. The idea was to allow the couple to cross, and keep an eye on the area from the next post.

Well we waited for a while but no one was seen crossing. Before we left we notified Border Patrol that there was a couple there who might cross when we left. The next day we got a report that two had been caught right there in the area after we left, but it was not clear that it was the same two.

We met at camp the next day and discussed with the volunteers a plan that we were going to try. Now every night we would leave at the same time. Tonight we were going to let half the line leave on time, and keep key positions in place for a few more hours. We had been getting hints that illegals would flood across the border as soon as we would leave, so we decided to see if we could catch a few in the act. Unfortunately, while discussing the plan, we noticed a suspicious person listening in on the conversation. We suspect that this person may have passed our plan on.

That night, Post 12 saw two cross the border almost immediately after it got dark, and Border Patrol was notified. Only minutes later, the next post down saw a cow cross the border! Border Patrol was not notified.

As the sky got darker, the Volunteer at the post with me thought he saw someone with infra-red to the east of us. It was unclear which side of the border it was coming from so we did not call it in. After watching it for a while we finally figured out that it was actually two different things. We did in fact see infrared from a night vision illuminator, but it was one of us. The other thing we were seeing was just someone smoking a cigarette- is it AMAZING how bright a cigarette looks in Gen 3 night vision! That one took us a while to figure out. Thankfully this time we didn't report ourselves to the Border Patrol.

We continued to listen to the noises of the windmill in the distance and watch the rocks grow on what looked like the surface of Mars. Suddenly we heard a noise across the border- JUST across the border. We both took looks through the night vision but could not see anything. Then we heard it again! Still could see nothing. Then we heard noise north of the border, about 100 feet to the west of us, but still could see nothing, so we didn't report anything. About 5 minutes later a group of coyotes began- well, whatever you would call that noise they make... Most likely what we heard moving was one of the coyotes.

Minuteman Project: October Weekend 3

Weekend 3 was quiet all weekend on the Naco line. It was becoming clear that everyone knew where we were and they were simply going around us. After no activity the first night, we decided to move our line to the east along the border. We would get out early and keep hidden and with any luck they would not know we were there. Unfortunately our plans were foiled, as you will see in a bit.

Montana and I drove along the border checking out where we would place the line that night. This is Montana standing near one of the holes in the fence that appears to have some recent activity.

This is a heavily traveled section of the border that had been repaired using sticks found in the desert.

In this photo you can see footprints leading up to the fence, and then under it.

Here is another heavily traveled area. You can easily see the damage done to the fence by the illegals crossing.

This is the same fence. Here you can see the footprints leading up to the fence.

We met up with the volunteers at camp and caravaned out to the line early afternoon. Things went smoothly setting the line and we had everyone hidden pretty well. Just as I was making my way back to Comms I got a call from one of the posts- apparently the landowner was there asking them to move.

Now legally we are allowed to be along the side of the road like we were. However the landowner was having someone stop by to look at the place. I can imagine- we had been in another area and we picked THAT day to move, I would have been even more frustrated if I were the landowner. We agreed to move onto the road until 6:30. This would give away our location, but we all believe strongly in property rights and moved out onto the road.

It didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped. One post had a dead car battery and we had to push the car out of the desert and onto the road. Then we had this bull to contend with. The Sheriff helped out with this one...

After moving onto the road the bull stuck around to make sure we were complying with the landowner's wishes.

6:30 rolled around and we all moved back into our positions. With all the headlights and commotion it was understandably a quiet night. This is a photo of Border Road through the Gen 3 after we moved back into position.

I stayed the night at Comms with Scorpion and Montana. I showed one of the journalists that was out with us that night how to take photos through the night vision. Getting everything in focus is sometimes more difficult that it would seem to be.

Here is Scorpion trying to keep warm.

This is Montana looking through a Gen 3.

I also learned some information about the Volvo. The woman apparently was NOT running drugs, but in my opinion doing something even more criminal, but something that is apparently protected somehow by the First Amendment. She apparently told authorities that she was going into the Huachucas to tell the illegals up there that we were here and where our positions were. Now in my humble opinion that's aiding and abetting felony activity, and aiding and abetting a foreign invasion. I wonder what that is called...

Minuteman Project: October Weekend 2

The first night was on the Naco line. I again arrived a t about 7:00 pm so the line had already been set. Nothing happened that night, just cold, dark and quiet.

The next night we met at the Headquarters (a.k.a. Camp Tom Tancredo) and drove out to an intersection we called "the Y" where we were meeting a couple people. Chris Simcox was there that night and of course the media was following close behind. The media interviewed Chris for a while and then we continued out to the Naco line.

I began placing the line and making sure everyone had plenty of water and working radios. Just as I was finishing up I got a call on the radio that a couple more people had arrived at camp and were headed out our direction. They were not completely sure how to get to the line so we agreed on a meeting place. I finished up setting the line and drove out to show them the way in.

I went back to Comms to pick up my night vision. I was just getting ready to move out to a post with another volunteer when I realized that my $600 Samsung i730 Pocket PC phone was no longer attached to my belt. Panic began to set in. I informed Montana but she was relentless! And she was right. I didn't know how I was going to keep it out of my mind for the entire night, but I had to try. "It has all my contacts in it... what if an ACLU member finds it?" I thought to myself in a frantic attempt to try to justify leaving to search for it. I remembered a time earlier that night when stuff on my belt got caught on the car door when I was getting back into the car at the Y. Or was that at camp? "Did it fall off then? If it did, did I run over it when I left? What about the caravan of cars behind me? Oh no... surely one of them ran over it! Well, at least the ACLU won't get my contact list. Or could it have fallen off when I went to go pick up the new arrivals? Or worse... just SOMEWHERE out on the line at one of the posts? Now now, I have a line to take care of. I need to put this out of my mind!"

I don't know how I did it (I am very bad at keeping things like this out of my mind) but I don't think I thought of the phone again after that. Of course, it might have been because right about that time we got a call from Post 2 that they had just been lit up with infra-red from across the border. Being lit up with infra-red means that the group has night vision, which means there is a good possibility that this group is or contains drug runners.

Montana contacted the reporting post and told them to stay behind their vehicle and out of sight. All was quiet for a while, until the next post east reported that they also were lit up. Post by post, we got reports of being lit up or simple movement on the other side of the border, and the group was heading our way.

Staying out of sight, we watched through the Gen 3 night vision for any signs of infra-red. Infra-red will show up like an extremely bright flashlight through the night vision, but cannot be seen by the human eye. After a while, I saw what looked like a flashlight a few hundred feet to the west of our position, shining across the border from the south. There was no post there, so that is where they decided to cross thinking that it was safe. They left the infrared on while they crossed the border and I could see it in the night vision cross the road. At that point we called them in to the Border Patrol, and began to relax since we were now behind them instead of between them and their goal.

We finally left for our post. We were watching a trussle that people will walk under before they cross the border. This photo was taken through the Gen 3 night vision. The trussle was to the southwest of our position.

Almost immediately we thought we heard a car or someone walking around on the other side of the border. It took a while but we finally realized that it was only a windmill. We then heard what really sounded like footsteps moving on the other side of the train tracks. Well, perhaps it was only the windmill. No, the sound was moving. We contacted the next post to the west of us to keep their eyes and ears open because a group might be moving their way.

A short while later, several posts to the west of us reported a group crossing the border. I can't be sure that what we heard was the same group or even a group at all, but the timing seemed to work out.

The rest of the night was quiet. While making sure everyone was off the line when it was time to go home for the night, Christian and Virginia Volz, 79 and 80, were kind enough to allow me to take their photo. Virginia is legally blind, but she still sat on the border doing the job that our government claims is impossible and refuses to do. What a couple of vigilantes!

After double checking all the posts to make sure everyone was gone, I began my search for my phone. Montana has graciously offered help in the morning searching the line if I did not find it at the Y, at camp or at the other spot where I had met the volunteers. The first place I checked was the place where I had met the volunteers. There was a dirt lot where they had waited. As soon as my headlights hit the lot I could see my phone laying in the dirt! But was it crushed? At least the ACLU didn't get their hands on my contact list!

I picked it up and looked at the screen. No cracks! I flipped the power switch... It worked! Oh, there is a God!

I left for Montana and Whiskey-Alpha's house for the night before returning back to Tucson. Scorpion was staying there as well, and as had become typical we sat out on the porch for a while discussing what had happened that day. For some reason the only thing that I seemed to remember happening that day was finding my phone.

Then Montana informed me that the officer who had responded to our call about the Volvo had found her! It was not clear if drugs had been found or if she had been arrested.

I also learned that both groups that we reported had been arrested. The group with the night vision had 10 people and the group, and the other had 4. It was not known if the group of 10 was carrying any drugs.

During the trip back, I passed a Border Patrol checkpoint. It was shut down because Jim Kolbe thinks it's a good idea.

Minuteman Project: October Colorado Contingent

I was able to take the 4th through the 6th off from work and go along with a group of Colorado State Legislators on a fact-finding tour of Arizona, including a few nights with the Minuteman Project. Just for the record, only the activities at Three Points were Minuteman activities. The rest, including (but not limited to) a visit to the American Border Patrol, was not sponsored by or endorced by and has nothing to do with the Minuteman Project. A report on this trip can be found at the Republican Study Committee of Colorado's (RSCC) website: http://www.rscc.us.

In this photo, from left to right:

Colorado Rep. Jim Welker, RSCC Chairman Colorado Rep. Dave Schultheis, RSCC Executive Director and Candidate for Colorado Rep. Kent Lambert (my father!), me (with the AZ flag), Colorado Rep. Bill Crane, Candidate for Arizona Governor Don Goldwater in the dark blue shirt, Candidate for U.S. Az Rep. Randy Graf in the light blue shirt, and Candidate for Attorney General of Arizona Bill Montgomery.

Randy Graf contacted the local Humvee club who graciously allowed us to ride in their Hummers for the day. This was the one that I got to ride in. It's a HUMMER. The owner refused to call it an H1. I wouldn't be near as excited had it been an H2 or an H3.

Our first stop of the day was at Glen Spencer's house. Glen Spencer of the "American Border Patrol" (http://www.americanpatrol.com) spoke to us out on his deck, the San Pedro river behind him. (DISCLAIMER: American Border Patrol is NOT affiliated with the Minuteman Project) He told us how a small group from the American Border Patrol carried a "simulated nuclear device" (a weighted hiking pack) across the border fence, up the river, through the woods, past the Border Patrol, and eventually to the steps of a federal building. When confronted at the building, the guards were upset about the fact that they were filming, but never questioned the pack. He told how they did it again and again and again, and got it on film each and every time. Eventually the feds found a way to make them stop, but were more concerned about making THEM stop than a true terrorist.

This is American Border Patrol's BorderHawk UAV. It uses a high-resolution camera on a gimbal to photograph the ground below.

Take a very close look at the last person in this photo, taken by the BorderHawk.

These are some illegals trying to hide behind some bushes.

This is a photo of a Mexican military unit on the Mexican side of the border, but JUST on their side. That's alright, it's their country... but what are they doing?

This is a blown up portion of the previous photo.

This photo was taken of the "opposition" at Campo. The next several photos are blown up sections of this photo. Pay close attention to the "AZTLAN" spelled out in rocks.

Aztlan is what Mexicans call Southwest U.S. They believe that Aztlan belongs to Mexico and that they have a right to not only be here, but take it back (also known as INVASION).

Detain and Deport the Minutemen

Smash Racism
Smash the Border
One Land One People

This ambulance, driven by the "opposition," was apparently responsible in driving border watchers off the road and other such acts.

I just had to include this picture of some of the Humvees all lined up outside Glen's house. I want one...

After Glen's presentation we went inside for lunch. There he showed us thermal images that they have captured of illegals crossing the Arizona desert.

He also showed us a new camera system that they are working on. This was its first test. A very high resolution camera transmitted live from a Cessna above. Being the first test it was a bit grainy and the signal could have been better, but I have no doubt they will get it working in time.

This is the Cessna filming us.

From there, we went to the San Pedro river. Of course, the media followed!

Just another fun shot of a Humvee!

Randy Graf talks to Bill Montgomery at the river while Kent Lambert listens.

While there, Kent takes a call from a radio show in Colorado.

OF COURSE, this is Federal land, so we have to disarm. While we comply with the law, no one is happy about it. Why the federal government thinks they are allowed to disarm people is beyond me.

I can't comment too much on this sign or I am sure they will lock me up. YES, I DID OBEY IT. I griped, but I did obey.

Republican Study Committee members hanging with the Democrat at Three Points!

Later that night we arrived here at Three Points for a night shift. We were delayed in getting there of course because several of the legislators, including my father and Dave, had to talk on talk shows and wanted to use land lines at the hotel because the connection was better.

Everyone was put through orientation and was briefed on all the Minuteman rules and SOP: Observe and report only, obey all laws, avoid contact with illegals... They were briefed on our communication protocols and prepared for their first night in the field.

Don Goldwater using my Samsung i730 to call a radio show before going out to his post.

My father (Kent Lambert) and I were posted at a small gas station. There was a very large lay-up point right behind the building. People will collect there, use the pay phone to call for a ride, then get picked up. Here we are in the car watching the for any activity at the lay-up.

Nothing happened until after the store closed. A bicyclist rode around the back of the store. I grabbed for my night vision to see what was going on. When I used my illuminator he was looking right at me, and must have seen it. He promptly turned around and left. It is our best guess that he was a scout.

That night we heard dogs barking all around us but did not see anyone. Don Goldwater saw a group or two though, which was good given that this was his only night out there.

Back at camp we debriefed. Don was very impressed with the Minuteman Project and said that his eyes were really opened to the true nature of the problem. Like so many others, he thought he knew what was going on down here but really did not understand the scope of the problem until he saw it with his own eyes.

Don let me get a photo with him before he had to leave.

We got a good days' rest in Tucson and left back for Three Points for another night shift. We were positioned and made a effort to try to break up the outline of my father's white van, I am not sure how successful we were.

As usual there was no activity before nightfall. Still we kept our eyes open and got used to the area so we would know where to look when it got dark.

More talk shows... Gotta talk to the talk shows...

Looks like the Minuteman Project upgraded their Cobra to an Apache!

Night arrived. Unfortunately my Gen 1 night vision was only useful enough to take this photo unless I was using an infrared illuminator. In fact, I had to use it to take the photo. Well that's why I got an infrared filter for my MagLite! Good thing I did too... Just after it got dark, we started hearing reports from posts everywhere of groups passing by them. Groups of 10, 20 even 30 people at a time! Border Patrol was called. Suddenly my father and I heard footsteps approaching from down the path we were watching. We hid behind a bush and I started rolling tape, lighting the area with my infrared flashlight.

This is the first of the two guys that passed us. He is about 15 feet from us. Remember, the light in his face is infrared- he can't see it. In the video it is clear that while he is looking this way, he did not see us.

This is the second guy. He stumbles around for a bit...

...and then notices a flashlight in the distance (that small white speck to the right) and doubles back.

Now I had my radio on the lowest setting possible, and I was using an earbud. But that thing was so loud my ears are still ringing. Of course, someone picks NOW to talk on the radio, and he hears it go off. I am not sure that he saw us, but it looks like he did. He just continued off the other direction and then we called them in on the radio.

A video clip of this can be found by CLICKING HERE. (This clip is hosted on the RSCC web site, http://www.rscc.us)

More groups were reported through the night, and we would hear sounds off in the desert. All we had was my Gen 1 night vision, so it was very difficult to see any distance, even with the illuminator and my flashlight.

When the shift ended one of the posts had a bit of a difficult time getting his truck out of a ditch.

It took some effort from quite a few people, but we eventually got the truck out. I, of course, didn't help. I was filming.

That night we reported over 70 illegals to the Border Patrol. The only one that was arrested was one that turned himself in back at camp and waited for Border Patrol to arrive. Not a good performance when there are a group of legislators around! They were amazed by the lack of ability the Border Patrol had to respond. Again it was not the fault of the agents in the field- they just don't have to resources.

The next day we visited the Tucson Border Patrol Station. On the way we saw this building, and all the legislators were very interested in it. So I got a photo for them. Cash your check and Western Union it to Mexico in the same building.

When we got to the Border Patrol station I realized that I was wearing a Minuteman shirt, and that I probably should not have been. On the other hand, the Border Patrol's reaction was very telling. They (the "higher-ups") would hesitate to shake my hand, and almost made me leave. I am sure that they decided that it would be bad to kick a Minuteman out of the Border Patrol Station with all the legislators around, so they let me stay. The report they gave to our group was very political, very reserved, very "we-are-doing-a-great-job-and-those-above-us-are-doing-everything-they-can-to-help-us." I can't help but think that me and my shirt did more harm than good during that meeting (and I feel bad about it), but I hope that the Border Patrol's reaction to me was noticed and some good can come from it.

Then we left for the University of Arizona where Dave Schultheis interviewed on Fox News. Unfortunately a New York subway bombing scare cut it very short, and ended up being nothing anyway.

Kent commenting on broadcast. The NY bomb scare MUST have been staged JUST to get Dave off the air! (yes, it was a joke)

Bill Crane watches Dave's interview.

After the interview we went back to the Naco area. On the way we picked up a retired Border Patrol Agent who tells it like it is. He showed us holes in the fence and paths through the fence (or lack thereof). I had seen it all before, but a visit to the "Naco Line" is always quite an experience. I still cannot get over how much of a fence we DON'T have.

This is a new Border Patrol camera. It allows the Border Patrol to track a group for great distances from a great distance, as long as the stay within line-of-sight. A great tool, but it can only track one group at a time out of the hundreds crossing the border at the same time, and it is only useful if you have the agents available to go pick up the group.

Here is our border! NO JOKE! A rancher had to "fix" this section of the border because his cows were crossing it. In fact, that's the way (and the REASON) the border is usually repaired.

This is a photo of the border fence near Naco. Naco, I learned, got it's name from arizoNA mexiCO, kind of like Mexicali, MEXIco CALIfornia.

I can't not post this sign...

We met with Montana for dinner at a burrito spot. Good food, and when a group of illegals shows up in the parking lot waiting for a pick-up, the owner calls them in! The headlights in this photo are the Border Patrol picking up the illegals.

The Republican Study Committee did an excellent report on the weekend. That report can be found here: http://www.rscc.us/KeyIssues/Index.html

Here is a list of sites that pertain to this weekend: