
32 Dead

At least 32 people have died at Virginia Tech. This situation almost begs for sarcasm about how more gun laws would have saved these people, but it's just too serious of a situation to be sarcastic.

There are two reasons that this many people died. First, someone wanted to kill people. Second, there were no good guys with guns to stop him. I hear that Virginia law does not restrict guns on campus (not 100% sure), but the campuses are allowed to restrict guns. I don't know if V Tech does, but I'd will willing to bet it does.

Let's assume that guns are restricted. Did these restrictions stop the killer from bringing a gun on campus? How on earth would more laws and more restrictions help this situation? Let's assume they are not restricted. Why did no one have a gun? Because it's a school and guns have no place there? Can you honestly say that now? If any single person had a firearm in that classroom other than the gunman himself, we would be dealing with perhaps dozens fewer dead. DOZENS. I personally would bet my life on that, because had I been there with my gun, I would have stopped him.

It's not a lack of restrictions that causes death like this. It's people who want to kill, and it is the presence of restrictions on those who would stop the killer if they were allowed. Once again, those in charge have bowed to the politically correct, and now have the blood of 32 innocent people on their hands. And if V Tech does allow weapons on campus, which I doubt, then fault should be placed, at least partially (the real blame is reserved for the gunman himself), on those who were too afraid to carry a gun. Which was apparently everyone.

Buy a gun, get a permit, and carry it everywhere that's legal. Everywhere. And fight to remove these stupid laws that allow murderers to reign free in "weapons-free zones" where they know no one will be able to stop them. Educate every business owner that the common man with a gun will stop murders like this, and the murderer will bring a gun regardless of the restriction. Guns in the hands of good citizens save lives. And there are a lot more good citizens than there are murderers. This could have been stopped. Why wasn't it?

Here is a link:



I just found out that I was right, no weapons allowed on campus per V.T. rules. Again I ask how this rule did anything to stop this? I guess they can arrest him now for bringing a weapon onto campus. Here is a link directly to V.T.'s campus rules involving weapons:



Minuteman: April 2007 First Day

I just got a report of our first day of operations this month:

Robert Anglen
The Arizona Republic
Apr. 1, 2007 04:57 PM

Less than 24 hours after beginning patrols of the U.S.-Mexico border near Nogales, members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps say they encountered as many as 350 [illegal aliens].

Minuteman president Chris Simcox said Sunday that his group had rescued seven immigrants, found the body of another and led border agents to hundreds of others in the first day of a month-long citizen effort to deter illegal immigration.

"It's a free for all down here," Simcox said, as his radio cracked with reports that eight immigrants had just been sighted near a water tank. "This place is crawling with illegals . . . It's an amnesty rush."

U.S. Border Patrol agents, who do not endorse the citizen effort, confirmed that the Minuteman group was having a busy weekend. One agent said in the first four hours of his shift Sunday morning, he had responded to calls involving as many as 60 illegal [aliens].

"The numbers may be going up because of the weather," U.S. Border Patrol agent Robert Sanchez said. "We're talking about an area west of Nogales to Ajo . . . That's a lot of ground."

This is the third year that the Minuteman volunteers have led its controversial border patrols, which have been criticized by human rights groups as vigilantism. It comes after Border Patrol reports that apprehensions of [illegal aliens] are down sharply compared with previous years.

"Whoever's saying that, they haven't been to Altar Valley," Simcox said.


Minuteman - April 2007 Opening Day

I was given the opportunity this weekend to open the Minuteman April month-long operations in prayer:

Our Father,

We turn now to the Creator of the universe for our safety, and for guidance.

We ask that you watch over us all, that you keep us safe from the dangers of the desert, and from those who would harm us. We pray for those who are in the desert now, Lord, those who are in a far worse situation than we, that we may serve You by becoming a life-saving instrument for them.

Lord, we pray that through our actions here this month, we may continue to be a loud voice to our lawmakers, that we continue to shout to them the American Peoples' desire to protect the sovereignty and freedom of our own nation. And while we stand here in the desert to that end, we pray, Lord, that You work in the hearts and minds of the leaders of other nations that they may be convicted to serve their people, provide them with freedom, and work to remove the conditions that have driven them across this border.

Lord, we ask above all that we have the wisdom to seek Your will, and the courage to follow it. We ask that You guide our actions here this month, that we may be a reflection of You.

In Your Son Jesus Christ's name we pray,


RNC - My $0.02

I recently got several requests for money from the RNC for a membership renewal. I have given the Republicans time, and more time, and more time, to do what the promised they would do- smaller government that follows the Constitution. Now they whine when they lose Congress and wonder why. I am finally past my limit. Here is the letter I returned to them:

Dear [RNC person],

You can count on me! Unfortunately, I have learned that I cannot count on the Republican Party. I have not abandoned the Republican Party, the Party abandoned The People, of which I am one.

The Republican Party has done more to expand government control and increase socialist agenda during the time we have had the House, the Senate, and The Presidency than ever before in the history of the party. Until the Republican Party is again committed to the Constitution, my support is going to be limited to $0.02. If the Republican Party continues down the road that it appears to have chosen, I will join and support a third party.

The Republican Party has abandoned The People. On September 11, 2001, the world did not change. We have always been threatened, and an attack on us was finally successful. But instead of battling this evil that we had finally been awakened to, the Republican Party decided to side with the terrorists. They systematically removed freedoms, “cracked down”, and gave the government even more power. They ignored the Constitution and gave the federal government authority to violate the 2nd, 4th , and 10th Amendments in our airports. They expanded the federal police system, gave it broad and unconstitutional powers, and partnered it with our international intelligence systems. For some reason, the Republican Party decided that our own people within our own country are more of a threat than the millions of people loyal to other countries who flood across the border every year.

Since Bush took office, with a Congress that the Republican Party had complete control over, spending on socialist programs took off to levels higher than ever before in our nation's history. Once again, the Republican Party simply is ignoring the Constitution by taking powers that the government has not been given.

Since Bush took office, with a Congress that the Republican Party had complete control over, Americans' right to keep and bear arms has had just as many losses as gains. Unfortunately, the losses were put in place by the Republican Party, and the gains were only gained because all the Republican Party had to do was ignore the Assault Weapons Ban sunset, which Bush said he would sign if it was passed by Congress. Bush expanded the BATFE, changing them from part of the Treasury Department to the executive branch as actual law enforcement. He made fully automatic weapons completely illegal, with an exception only for military and law enforcement – which are government. He therefore took the right to bear arms from The People, and gave it to the government.

No, the Republican Party left us. And it will not get my continued support until they begin to once again work for The People by restoring our freedom. True security comes with true freedom, because free people will die to protect that freedom. Whatever the Republican Party is doing now is neither freedom nor security.

The Republican Party can count on my continued support when they reclaim some of the values that they have abandoned. They can start with the following:

-Abolish TSA and all federal airline “security” regulations and give the task of security back to The People and the airlines themselves. WE CAN HANDLE IT. It's the job of the U.S. Government to fight terrorism overseas and at the border. Let The People have control of our own country. Of course, international air travel security is in fact the job of the U.S. Government as explained in the Constitution as an international airport is in fact part of the border.

-Abolish the BATFE and give the right back to the people to keep and bear arms. Eradicate every single gun law from the U.S. Code. The government does not have the power to control firearms. They have taken it from us at gunpoint, and will legally kill or throw anyone in jail who exercises parts of this basic and inherent right.

-Abolish any and all federal laws regarding abortion and marriage. These are not federal issues as the Constitution has not granted this power to the federal government.

-Secure the border. This is one of the few things that the U.S. Government is required to do, and about the only thing they are not doing.

-Abolish all federal socialist programs, even if they need to be phased out over time. This would include Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare and all federal involvement in education.

-Stop holding money hostage from The States. The States should never be given money from the federal government. This can be accomplished by not taxing The People to begin with.

-Institute a simple tax code with an absolute cap of 5-10% per individual. This will also have the effect of limiting the government as they will only have enough money to fulfill their constitutional duties.

-Focus on releasing all other federal control over The People and give this control back to The People. This would most likely mean getting rid of almost all of federal law. This is freedom, and the Republican Party should stand for no less.

-Restrict the government, not The People. The People should be free. If they are, the government should find it very difficult to do their job. That's how it is when freedom is in place.

-GIVE THE PEOPLE THEIR COUNTRY BACK. This is a country “of The People, by The People, and for The People.” As long as the government is ruling The People, freedom is lost.

Are these things political suicide? Try it and find out. You will find that Americans actually like freedom. Are these things a pipe dream? Anyone who says that true freedom is a pipe dream will never get my support.

Do this, and the Republican Party will have shown that they have begun to turn around. But even this is only the beginning. Until then, I will not support the Republican Party beyond my $0.02.


I included a personal check for $0.02.