
3000th Death

Today I see reports all over the news of the 3000th American soldier to die in the Iraq war. 3000 families in America have had their lives changed forever as their son, daughter, mother or father will never return.

I would like to take the time to remember the people who died in our nation's history for the values we hold dear.

During the "Civil War," 620,000 Americans and Confederates were killed.

During the single battle of Gettysburg, 46,000 Americans and Confederates were killed.

African Slavery killed 6,000,000 people.

The Holocaust killed 11,000,000 people.

WWII killed 55,000,000 people.

Vietnam killed 1,100,000 North Vietnamese, and 58,202 American soldiers.

Gulf War Syndrome has killed 9,500 Americans.

Freeing Iraq has killed 3000 American soldiers.

Almost every number listed above is an estimate, and therefore not every human life was accounted for. Unfortunately this is impossible to do. That said, every individual listed above was a human life, each one God loved enough to sacrifice His own son.

These numbers do one thing though. They put into perspective what war is, and what war can be. They put into perspective the reality of this situation - America has conquered a nation while taking under 1000 American deaths and held it long enough to give it back to its own people while taking ONLY 3000 deaths.

Do I disrespect the dead by saying ONLY? Absolutely not. I honor them and their bravery and professionalism by pointing out how well our Armed Forces has done. Show me another time in history where such a victory has been achieved.

And by fighting this evil, these 3000 brave men and woman who have died did so to protect the civilians back here in the United States (including the media who take every opportunity to disrespect them by saying that their deaths were not worth it), to protect and give freedom to the Iraqi people, and to protect Israel and therefore the stability of the entire region (because if Israel is ever forced to fight, they WILL win).

I am open about my opinions on how this war could have, or perhaps should have, been fought differently. But the cause and reason for fighting this was is just - put a stop to evil, and die for freedom. There is a time for war, there is a time to win, and this is it. It's before the millions die. There is no doubt that these 3000 brave and professional men and women who died have saved millions. Just look at history.

I can only hope that our nation is not so weak that we quit too early, only postponing the real war that looms on the horizon. I can hope, but I am doubtful. Our nation is weak. We are weak to the point where we would rather lose than fight "... if it saves the life if just one child...". It's about to get a whole lot worse than 3000 deaths, because we as a nation are in denial of reality. Just look at history.

Personally I have not been called to battle. I have been called to sit at our border with only a 9mm for protection against full-auto AK47 machine guns which occasionally rattle off in the distance, but I have not seen battle. I have been called to design the weapons that our soldiers will use, but I have not had to use them myself. There is little I can respect more than an American who willingly allows themselves to be put in a situation where they will have to use these weapons to not only defend themselves, but defend their fellow Americans, and fellow humans, from evil. And though I know that we free Americans only use our freedom to vote to vote our freedoms away, if I am ever called to battle, and if I die, I can only hope that it will be with the same bravery, and for such a cause, as not only these 3000 soldiers have fought, but the millions who have fought and died giving us the freedoms we have.


Disrespect for National Guard

For the last few weeks I was looking forward to today. I had planned on joining the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps on a caravan down to the border to visit the 156 National Guardsmen watching the AZ/Mexico border, and to give one of them my care package of cookies, candies, sunscreen and a few other items. The operation was dubbed "Operation Christmas Stocking," and was an excellent way to make sure our troops on the front line of the "war on terror" know they are appreciated.

But just last night I got a message from Chris Simcox saying that the operation had been canceled. Here is a press release stating why:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 22 December 2006
CONTACT: Bryan Rudnick, (703) 822-4665



SCOTTSDALE, AZ- The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) has been informed by commanders of the National Guard troops stationed on the United States-Mexico border that they will not be permitted to distribute care packages during the holiday season to 156 National Guard personnel stationed on the border. The event dubbed Operation Christmas Stocking was originally cleared by field command, suddenly on Monday of this week MCDC was notified that because of political reasons which involved orders from Governor Napolitano and high level commanders the offering of holiday support was nixed.

After several attempts to appeal to the sympathies of unit commanders, a statement released today by Major Paul Aguirre Public Affairs Office, AZ National Guard states "The National Guard is very appreciative of your thoughtful offer during this holiday season. However, based on operational, safety, and security reasons we will be unable to support your request to ... distribute your care packages to our soldiers and airmen".

The care packages were organized in an effort to demonstrate appreciation to the National Guard troops, from states other than Arizona, who have volunteered for the assignment to secure the border from terrorists, drug cartels and illegal crossings rather than spend their holiday season with their families in Michigan, Tennessee and North Carolina.

"We are grateful to the members of the National Guard who understand the importance of securing our borders and therefore we wish to demonstrate our appreciation for their sacrifice during the holiday season," stated Chris Simcox, Founder and President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. "Soldiers are always sent care packages while stationed on the front lines in combat and the US-Mexico border is the front line on the War on Terror." It is a shame they are punished by the politically motivated discriminatory acts of Governor Napolitano and the open borders lobby in Washington, D.C."

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) now has 156 cares packages that were to be delivered to Sasabe, Arizona on Saturday. The care packages include store bought cookies and candies, sunscreen, skin lotion, chap stick, long underwear and various other personal items to help our troops cope with the Sonoran desert region where they have been assigned.

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) is a peaceful, law-abiding citizen-led initiative organized to stand watch at our borders, report illegal activities to the proper authorities, and build border fencing on private lands using private donations. Additionally, MCDC seeks to urge local and federal officials to enforce our laws in order to keep our families and country safe. MCDC conducts border watch operations that assist the activities of the U.S. Border Patrol, reports employers of illegal aliens and keeps tax dollars from being used for illegal alien benefits.

"... for political reasons ..." ??? For POLITICAL reasons? What kind of political reasons could possibly shut down giving care packages to the National Guard on the border??? What kind of disrespect does this show on the part of Governor Napolitano? I'll let you answer those.


Stupid Laws

I have already stated that I think breaking into someone else's car should be illegal. Likewise, so should breaking into someone else's mail. But the people who broke into my car could at most be charged with criminal property damage, because they didn't steal anything. Keep in mind this is a CAR we are talking about.

Here is a letter I got. Click the photo to read what's written on the envelope:

Man that's official-looking. Look at the eagle emblem. And the threat... 5 years in PRISON! @ grand! And since that's more than one year, it means this would be a felony. That means you lose your right to vote and own weapons, among other things. This must me a very important letter!

Let's open it and see:

What on EARTH could it be?!?! It MUST be important to threaten 5 years of someone's life, and therefore their family member's lives as well, as well as the person's voting rights and personal protection rights. I can't wait to see what's worth THAT! Let's continue:

Oh, the tension is building... I can see it, but what is it? $1,000,000 check? No, it's got to be more than that. They threatened someone's FREEDOM over this. It's got to be more like $10,000,000. Or perhaps I have been given a knighthood?

VEHICLES! It's something about vehicles! Is this a title to a car??? Maybe the deed to a dealership?

WOW. I don't think any other words can cover it.