I was able to take the 4th through the 6th off from work and go along with a group of Colorado State Legislators on a fact-finding tour of Arizona, including a few nights with the Minuteman Project. Just for the record, only the activities at Three Points were Minuteman activities. The rest, including (but not limited to) a visit to the American Border Patrol, was not sponsored by or endorced by and has nothing to do with the Minuteman Project. A report on this trip can be found at the Republican Study Committee of Colorado's (RSCC) website:
In this photo, from left to right:
Colorado Rep. Jim Welker, RSCC Chairman Colorado Rep. Dave Schultheis, RSCC Executive Director and Candidate for Colorado Rep. Kent Lambert (my father!), me (with the AZ flag), Colorado Rep. Bill Crane, Candidate for Arizona Governor Don Goldwater in the dark blue shirt, Candidate for U.S. Az Rep. Randy Graf in the light blue shirt, and Candidate for Attorney General of Arizona Bill Montgomery.
Randy Graf contacted the local Humvee club who graciously allowed us to ride in their Hummers for the day. This was the one that I got to ride in. It's a HUMMER. The owner refused to call it an H1. I wouldn't be near as excited had it been an H2 or an H3.
Our first stop of the day was at Glen Spencer's house. Glen Spencer of the "American Border Patrol" (
http://www.americanpatrol.com) spoke to us out on his deck, the San Pedro river behind him. (DISCLAIMER: American Border Patrol is NOT affiliated with the Minuteman Project) He told us how a small group from the American Border Patrol carried a "simulated nuclear device" (a weighted hiking pack) across the border fence, up the river, through the woods, past the Border Patrol, and eventually to the steps of a federal building. When confronted at the building, the guards were upset about the fact that they were filming, but never questioned the pack. He told how they did it again and again and again, and got it on film each and every time. Eventually the feds found a way to make them stop, but were more concerned about making THEM stop than a true terrorist.
This is American Border Patrol's BorderHawk UAV. It uses a high-resolution camera on a gimbal to photograph the ground below.
Take a very close look at the last person in this photo, taken by the BorderHawk.
These are some illegals trying to hide behind some bushes.
This is a photo of a Mexican military unit on the Mexican side of the border, but JUST on their side. That's alright, it's their country... but what are they doing?
This is a blown up portion of the previous photo.
This photo was taken of the "opposition" at Campo. The next several photos are blown up sections of this photo. Pay close attention to the "AZTLAN" spelled out in rocks.
Aztlan is what Mexicans call Southwest U.S. They believe that Aztlan belongs to Mexico and that they have a right to not only be here, but take it back (also known as INVASION).
Detain and Deport the Minutemen
Smash Racism
Smash the Border
One Land One People
This ambulance, driven by the "opposition," was apparently responsible in driving border watchers off the road and other such acts.
I just had to include this picture of some of the Humvees all lined up outside Glen's house. I want one...
After Glen's presentation we went inside for lunch. There he showed us thermal images that they have captured of illegals crossing the Arizona desert.
He also showed us a new camera system that they are working on. This was its first test. A very high resolution camera transmitted live from a Cessna above. Being the first test it was a bit grainy and the signal could have been better, but I have no doubt they will get it working in time.
This is the Cessna filming us.
From there, we went to the San Pedro river. Of course, the media followed!
Just another fun shot of a Humvee!
Randy Graf talks to Bill Montgomery at the river while Kent Lambert listens.
While there, Kent takes a call from a radio show in Colorado.
OF COURSE, this is Federal land, so we have to disarm. While we comply with the law, no one is happy about it. Why the federal government thinks they are allowed to disarm people is beyond me.
I can't comment too much on this sign or I am sure they will lock me up. YES, I DID OBEY IT. I griped, but I did obey.
Republican Study Committee members hanging with the Democrat at Three Points!
Later that night we arrived here at Three Points for a night shift. We were delayed in getting there of course because several of the legislators, including my father and Dave, had to talk on talk shows and wanted to use land lines at the hotel because the connection was better.
Everyone was put through orientation and was briefed on all the Minuteman rules and SOP: Observe and report only, obey all laws, avoid contact with illegals... They were briefed on our communication protocols and prepared for their first night in the field.
Don Goldwater using my
Samsung i730 to call a radio show before going out to his post.
My father (Kent Lambert) and I were posted at a small gas station. There was a very large lay-up point right behind the building. People will collect there, use the pay phone to call for a ride, then get picked up. Here we are in the car watching the for any activity at the lay-up.
Nothing happened until after the store closed. A bicyclist rode around the back of the store. I grabbed for my night vision to see what was going on. When I used my illuminator he was looking right at me, and must have seen it. He promptly turned around and left. It is our best guess that he was a scout.
That night we heard dogs barking all around us but did not see anyone. Don Goldwater saw a group or two though, which was good given that this was his only night out there.
Back at camp we debriefed. Don was very impressed with the Minuteman Project and said that his eyes were really opened to the true nature of the problem. Like so many others, he thought he knew what was going on down here but really did not understand the scope of the problem until he saw it with his own eyes.
Don let me get a photo with him before he had to leave.
We got a good days' rest in Tucson and left back for Three Points for another night shift. We were positioned and made a effort to try to break up the outline of my father's white van, I am not sure how successful we were.
As usual there was no activity before nightfall. Still we kept our eyes open and got used to the area so we would know where to look when it got dark.
More talk shows... Gotta talk to the talk shows...
Looks like the Minuteman Project upgraded their Cobra to an Apache!
Night arrived. Unfortunately my Gen 1 night vision was only useful enough to take this photo unless I was using an infrared illuminator. In fact, I had to use it to take the photo. Well that's why I got an infrared filter for my MagLite! Good thing I did too... Just after it got dark, we started hearing reports from posts everywhere of groups passing by them. Groups of 10, 20 even 30 people at a time! Border Patrol was called. Suddenly my father and I heard footsteps approaching from down the path we were watching. We hid behind a bush and I started rolling tape, lighting the area with my infrared flashlight.
This is the first of the two guys that passed us. He is about 15 feet from us. Remember, the light in his face is infrared- he can't see it. In the video it is clear that while he is looking this way, he did not see us.
This is the second guy. He stumbles around for a bit...
...and then notices a flashlight in the distance (that small white speck to the right) and doubles back.
Now I had my radio on the lowest setting possible, and I was using an earbud. But that thing was so loud my ears are still ringing. Of course, someone picks NOW to talk on the radio, and he hears it go off. I am not sure that he saw us, but it looks like he did. He just continued off the other direction and then we called them in on the radio.
A video clip of this can be found by
CLICKING HERE. (This clip is hosted on the RSCC web site,
More groups were reported through the night, and we would hear sounds off in the desert. All we had was my Gen 1 night vision, so it was very difficult to see any distance, even with the illuminator and my flashlight.
When the shift ended one of the posts had a bit of a difficult time getting his truck out of a ditch.
It took some effort from quite a few people, but we eventually got the truck out. I, of course, didn't help. I was filming.
That night we reported over 70 illegals to the Border Patrol. The only one that was arrested was one that turned himself in back at camp and waited for Border Patrol to arrive. Not a good performance when there are a group of legislators around! They were amazed by the lack of ability the Border Patrol had to respond. Again it was not the fault of the agents in the field- they just don't have to resources.
The next day we visited the Tucson Border Patrol Station. On the way we saw this building, and all the legislators were very interested in it. So I got a photo for them. Cash your check and Western Union it to Mexico in the same building.
When we got to the Border Patrol station I realized that I was wearing a Minuteman shirt, and that I probably should not have been. On the other hand, the Border Patrol's reaction was very telling. They (the "higher-ups") would hesitate to shake my hand, and almost made me leave. I am sure that they decided that it would be bad to kick a Minuteman out of the Border Patrol Station with all the legislators around, so they let me stay. The report they gave to our group was very political, very reserved, very "we-are-doing-a-great-job-and-those-above-us-are-doing-everything-they-can-to-help-us." I can't help but think that me and my shirt did more harm than good during that meeting (and I feel bad about it), but I hope that the Border Patrol's reaction to me was noticed and some good can come from it.
Then we left for the University of Arizona where Dave Schultheis interviewed on Fox News. Unfortunately a New York subway bombing scare cut it very short, and ended up being nothing anyway.
Kent commenting on broadcast. The NY bomb scare MUST have been staged JUST to get Dave off the air! (yes, it was a joke)
Bill Crane watches Dave's interview.
After the interview we went back to the Naco area. On the way we picked up a retired Border Patrol Agent who tells it like it is. He showed us holes in the fence and paths through the fence (or lack thereof). I had seen it all before, but a visit to the "Naco Line" is always quite an experience. I still cannot get over how much of a fence we DON'T have.
This is a new Border Patrol camera. It allows the Border Patrol to track a group for great distances from a great distance, as long as the stay within line-of-sight. A great tool, but it can only track one group at a time out of the hundreds crossing the border at the same time, and it is only useful if you have the agents available to go pick up the group.
Here is our border! NO JOKE! A rancher had to "fix" this section of the border because his cows were crossing it. In fact, that's the way (and the REASON) the border is usually repaired.
This is a photo of the border fence near Naco. Naco, I learned, got it's name from arizoNA mexiCO, kind of like Mexicali, MEXIco CALIfornia.
I can't not post this sign...
We met with Montana for dinner at a burrito spot. Good food, and when a group of illegals shows up in the parking lot waiting for a pick-up, the owner calls them in! The headlights in this photo are the Border Patrol picking up the illegals.
The Republican Study Committee did an excellent report on the weekend. That report can be found here:
http://www.rscc.us/KeyIssues/Index.htmlHere is a list of sites that pertain to this weekend: