32 Dead
There are two reasons that this many people died. First, someone wanted to kill people. Second, there were no good guys with guns to stop him. I hear that Virginia law does not restrict guns on campus (not 100% sure), but the campuses are allowed to restrict guns. I don't know if V Tech does, but I'd will willing to bet it does.
Let's assume that guns are restricted. Did these restrictions stop the killer from bringing a gun on campus? How on earth would more laws and more restrictions help this situation? Let's assume they are not restricted. Why did no one have a gun? Because it's a school and guns have no place there? Can you honestly say that now? If any single person had a firearm in that classroom other than the gunman himself, we would be dealing with perhaps dozens fewer dead. DOZENS. I personally would bet my life on that, because had I been there with my gun, I would have stopped him.
It's not a lack of restrictions that causes death like this. It's people who want to kill, and it is the presence of restrictions on those who would stop the killer if they were allowed. Once again, those in charge have bowed to the politically correct, and now have the blood of 32 innocent people on their hands. And if V Tech does allow weapons on campus, which I doubt, then fault should be placed, at least partially (the real blame is reserved for the gunman himself), on those who were too afraid to carry a gun. Which was apparently everyone.
Buy a gun, get a permit, and carry it everywhere that's legal. Everywhere. And fight to remove these stupid laws that allow murderers to reign free in "weapons-free zones" where they know no one will be able to stop them. Educate every business owner that the common man with a gun will stop murders like this, and the murderer will bring a gun regardless of the restriction. Guns in the hands of good citizens save lives. And there are a lot more good citizens than there are murderers. This could have been stopped. Why wasn't it?
Here is a link:
I just found out that I was right, no weapons allowed on campus per V.T. rules. Again I ask how this rule did anything to stop this? I guess they can arrest him now for bringing a weapon onto campus. Here is a link directly to V.T.'s campus rules involving weapons: