
U.S. Saved From Another Terrorist


passenger airplane landingThe Patriot Act, designed to help fight terrorism, may be being misused.


The Patriot Act was enacted following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. But it has given airlines some latitude in dealing with what they may consider unruly behavior. A case in point is Tamara Jo Freeman, who in 2007 was flying on Frontier Airlines to Denver when she moderately spanked her unruly children, then responded with some profanities when confronted by a flight attendant.
Los Angeles Times reported this week that Freeman was arrested and spent three months in jail before entering a guilty plea. Mat Staver with Liberty Counsel reacts to the story.
"It makes no sense at all to convict some mother, who is trying to discipline her children, of violating a terrorism law -- a law that's defined as trying to stop terrorists, defined as trying to stop somebody from overthrowing or hijacking the plane," says the attorney.
Matt StaverStaver says that strangely enough, Freeman's case is not an isolated one. According to the LA Times, at least 200 airline passengers have been convicted under the amended Patriot Act -- many accused of simply raising their voice, using foul language, or being drunk.
"This law is defying common sense," Staver states. "I don't think that was the intent of the law, and its application in this case and several other cases [has] nothing to do with protecting the people on the airplane."
The Liberty Counsel founder says enforcement in these cases is so absurd that the law obviously needs to be changed.
According to the 
Times, Freeman's conviction cost her custody of her children, who were placed in foster care during her incarceration. She is now trying to turn back legal proceedings in which the foster parents are seeking to adopt the children.


Ok, I'm actually not shocked...  but um...  I told you so?


32 Dead

At least 32 people have died at Virginia Tech. This situation almost begs for sarcasm about how more gun laws would have saved these people, but it's just too serious of a situation to be sarcastic.

There are two reasons that this many people died. First, someone wanted to kill people. Second, there were no good guys with guns to stop him. I hear that Virginia law does not restrict guns on campus (not 100% sure), but the campuses are allowed to restrict guns. I don't know if V Tech does, but I'd will willing to bet it does.

Let's assume that guns are restricted. Did these restrictions stop the killer from bringing a gun on campus? How on earth would more laws and more restrictions help this situation? Let's assume they are not restricted. Why did no one have a gun? Because it's a school and guns have no place there? Can you honestly say that now? If any single person had a firearm in that classroom other than the gunman himself, we would be dealing with perhaps dozens fewer dead. DOZENS. I personally would bet my life on that, because had I been there with my gun, I would have stopped him.

It's not a lack of restrictions that causes death like this. It's people who want to kill, and it is the presence of restrictions on those who would stop the killer if they were allowed. Once again, those in charge have bowed to the politically correct, and now have the blood of 32 innocent people on their hands. And if V Tech does allow weapons on campus, which I doubt, then fault should be placed, at least partially (the real blame is reserved for the gunman himself), on those who were too afraid to carry a gun. Which was apparently everyone.

Buy a gun, get a permit, and carry it everywhere that's legal. Everywhere. And fight to remove these stupid laws that allow murderers to reign free in "weapons-free zones" where they know no one will be able to stop them. Educate every business owner that the common man with a gun will stop murders like this, and the murderer will bring a gun regardless of the restriction. Guns in the hands of good citizens save lives. And there are a lot more good citizens than there are murderers. This could have been stopped. Why wasn't it?

Here is a link:



I just found out that I was right, no weapons allowed on campus per V.T. rules. Again I ask how this rule did anything to stop this? I guess they can arrest him now for bringing a weapon onto campus. Here is a link directly to V.T.'s campus rules involving weapons:



Minuteman: April 2007 First Day

I just got a report of our first day of operations this month:

Robert Anglen
The Arizona Republic
Apr. 1, 2007 04:57 PM

Less than 24 hours after beginning patrols of the U.S.-Mexico border near Nogales, members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps say they encountered as many as 350 [illegal aliens].

Minuteman president Chris Simcox said Sunday that his group had rescued seven immigrants, found the body of another and led border agents to hundreds of others in the first day of a month-long citizen effort to deter illegal immigration.

"It's a free for all down here," Simcox said, as his radio cracked with reports that eight immigrants had just been sighted near a water tank. "This place is crawling with illegals . . . It's an amnesty rush."

U.S. Border Patrol agents, who do not endorse the citizen effort, confirmed that the Minuteman group was having a busy weekend. One agent said in the first four hours of his shift Sunday morning, he had responded to calls involving as many as 60 illegal [aliens].

"The numbers may be going up because of the weather," U.S. Border Patrol agent Robert Sanchez said. "We're talking about an area west of Nogales to Ajo . . . That's a lot of ground."

This is the third year that the Minuteman volunteers have led its controversial border patrols, which have been criticized by human rights groups as vigilantism. It comes after Border Patrol reports that apprehensions of [illegal aliens] are down sharply compared with previous years.

"Whoever's saying that, they haven't been to Altar Valley," Simcox said.


Minuteman - April 2007 Opening Day

I was given the opportunity this weekend to open the Minuteman April month-long operations in prayer:

Our Father,

We turn now to the Creator of the universe for our safety, and for guidance.

We ask that you watch over us all, that you keep us safe from the dangers of the desert, and from those who would harm us. We pray for those who are in the desert now, Lord, those who are in a far worse situation than we, that we may serve You by becoming a life-saving instrument for them.

Lord, we pray that through our actions here this month, we may continue to be a loud voice to our lawmakers, that we continue to shout to them the American Peoples' desire to protect the sovereignty and freedom of our own nation. And while we stand here in the desert to that end, we pray, Lord, that You work in the hearts and minds of the leaders of other nations that they may be convicted to serve their people, provide them with freedom, and work to remove the conditions that have driven them across this border.

Lord, we ask above all that we have the wisdom to seek Your will, and the courage to follow it. We ask that You guide our actions here this month, that we may be a reflection of You.

In Your Son Jesus Christ's name we pray,


RNC - My $0.02

I recently got several requests for money from the RNC for a membership renewal. I have given the Republicans time, and more time, and more time, to do what the promised they would do- smaller government that follows the Constitution. Now they whine when they lose Congress and wonder why. I am finally past my limit. Here is the letter I returned to them:

Dear [RNC person],

You can count on me! Unfortunately, I have learned that I cannot count on the Republican Party. I have not abandoned the Republican Party, the Party abandoned The People, of which I am one.

The Republican Party has done more to expand government control and increase socialist agenda during the time we have had the House, the Senate, and The Presidency than ever before in the history of the party. Until the Republican Party is again committed to the Constitution, my support is going to be limited to $0.02. If the Republican Party continues down the road that it appears to have chosen, I will join and support a third party.

The Republican Party has abandoned The People. On September 11, 2001, the world did not change. We have always been threatened, and an attack on us was finally successful. But instead of battling this evil that we had finally been awakened to, the Republican Party decided to side with the terrorists. They systematically removed freedoms, “cracked down”, and gave the government even more power. They ignored the Constitution and gave the federal government authority to violate the 2nd, 4th , and 10th Amendments in our airports. They expanded the federal police system, gave it broad and unconstitutional powers, and partnered it with our international intelligence systems. For some reason, the Republican Party decided that our own people within our own country are more of a threat than the millions of people loyal to other countries who flood across the border every year.

Since Bush took office, with a Congress that the Republican Party had complete control over, spending on socialist programs took off to levels higher than ever before in our nation's history. Once again, the Republican Party simply is ignoring the Constitution by taking powers that the government has not been given.

Since Bush took office, with a Congress that the Republican Party had complete control over, Americans' right to keep and bear arms has had just as many losses as gains. Unfortunately, the losses were put in place by the Republican Party, and the gains were only gained because all the Republican Party had to do was ignore the Assault Weapons Ban sunset, which Bush said he would sign if it was passed by Congress. Bush expanded the BATFE, changing them from part of the Treasury Department to the executive branch as actual law enforcement. He made fully automatic weapons completely illegal, with an exception only for military and law enforcement – which are government. He therefore took the right to bear arms from The People, and gave it to the government.

No, the Republican Party left us. And it will not get my continued support until they begin to once again work for The People by restoring our freedom. True security comes with true freedom, because free people will die to protect that freedom. Whatever the Republican Party is doing now is neither freedom nor security.

The Republican Party can count on my continued support when they reclaim some of the values that they have abandoned. They can start with the following:

-Abolish TSA and all federal airline “security” regulations and give the task of security back to The People and the airlines themselves. WE CAN HANDLE IT. It's the job of the U.S. Government to fight terrorism overseas and at the border. Let The People have control of our own country. Of course, international air travel security is in fact the job of the U.S. Government as explained in the Constitution as an international airport is in fact part of the border.

-Abolish the BATFE and give the right back to the people to keep and bear arms. Eradicate every single gun law from the U.S. Code. The government does not have the power to control firearms. They have taken it from us at gunpoint, and will legally kill or throw anyone in jail who exercises parts of this basic and inherent right.

-Abolish any and all federal laws regarding abortion and marriage. These are not federal issues as the Constitution has not granted this power to the federal government.

-Secure the border. This is one of the few things that the U.S. Government is required to do, and about the only thing they are not doing.

-Abolish all federal socialist programs, even if they need to be phased out over time. This would include Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare and all federal involvement in education.

-Stop holding money hostage from The States. The States should never be given money from the federal government. This can be accomplished by not taxing The People to begin with.

-Institute a simple tax code with an absolute cap of 5-10% per individual. This will also have the effect of limiting the government as they will only have enough money to fulfill their constitutional duties.

-Focus on releasing all other federal control over The People and give this control back to The People. This would most likely mean getting rid of almost all of federal law. This is freedom, and the Republican Party should stand for no less.

-Restrict the government, not The People. The People should be free. If they are, the government should find it very difficult to do their job. That's how it is when freedom is in place.

-GIVE THE PEOPLE THEIR COUNTRY BACK. This is a country “of The People, by The People, and for The People.” As long as the government is ruling The People, freedom is lost.

Are these things political suicide? Try it and find out. You will find that Americans actually like freedom. Are these things a pipe dream? Anyone who says that true freedom is a pipe dream will never get my support.

Do this, and the Republican Party will have shown that they have begun to turn around. But even this is only the beginning. Until then, I will not support the Republican Party beyond my $0.02.


I included a personal check for $0.02.


Guns in DC

A Federal court has overturned the DC gun ban. Here is an aritcle and the ruling:



My guess is that an appeal of some sort is likely...


Minuteman: January 2007 Muster

This last weekend I was really fired up. And before I get into what happened this weekend, I'll explain why.

Earlier this week I learned that AZ State Rep. Kyrsten Sinema introduced the following legislation:

HB 2286 Domestic terrorism; classification

13-2320. Domestic terrorism; classification





Sponsored by

Kyrsten Sinema

Democrat District 15

Phone Number: (602) 926-5058

Fax Number: (602) 417-3015

Email Address: ksinema@azleg.gov

Well, I have several problems with this (I'll bet everyone is quite surprised).

First, the use of the phrase "domestic terrorism." This is a frightening term as it furthers the trend to point the devices used to fight terrorism further inward toward American citizens. Many of these devices deny basic civil rights.

Second, while this is aimed at the Minutemen (no doubt), this would have applied to me when I go through my neighborhood on the way home from work and perform my Neighborhood Watch duties. It would also apply to all armed security companies across Arizona, as well as companies like Raytheon who patrol their own property with armed security. It would also apply if my wife and I walked into living room after hearing a strange noise, unless we did so unarmed.

Third, this does not attack the act of patrolling or watching for illegal activity, just doing so while armed. Just another blatant attack on an armed population.

Fourth, this violates the second amendment, as well as the Arizona constitution.

Fifth, this proposed law allows government entities to perform what she would call "domestic terrorism." If it's terrorism, why can our government do it?

So I was upset, even though I realized that there is no way this will pass. Most likely it will be killed in committee, which is taking place as I type.

Regardless, I left to the border to commit what this legislator would like to call an act of terrorism. Whatever.

Because of the extreme cold (We actually had an inch of snow on the ground in TUCSON last night) attendance was pretty low for the night shifts. The shift I usually run was canceled for both nights, so on the second day I just sat a post on the evening shift.

It was mostly a quiet night, but there was some activity shortly after the sun went down. We were positioned close to a wash. There is a road that goes through the wash at that point, and the road is often used by illegals to exit from the wash. Well sure enough, a group of eight come out of the wash and walk straight into our post. I heard the footsteps and stood up to see what was going on. I had to walk through some bushes because I was looking behind our post to watch for people going around us. As I emerged from the bushes, one of the other Minutemen at the post was waving his arms at me and asking me for a flashlight. Mine was still in my Jeep, so I ran across the post to get it. As I ran, I tripped on a burm about a foot high and threw my night vision across the post and hit my wrist. I thought I was alright, but it started hurting pretty bad a few hours later. Anyway, I got to the Jeep and pulled out my 1,000,000 candlepower light and flipped it on. But by that time they were long gone to the north. Our line leader made the decision not to call them in, so Border Patrol was not called.

Anyway, the rest of the night was quiet and cold. And my wrist hurt. I guess that's what I get for being a terrorist. It's better now though.


3000th Death

Today I see reports all over the news of the 3000th American soldier to die in the Iraq war. 3000 families in America have had their lives changed forever as their son, daughter, mother or father will never return.

I would like to take the time to remember the people who died in our nation's history for the values we hold dear.

During the "Civil War," 620,000 Americans and Confederates were killed.

During the single battle of Gettysburg, 46,000 Americans and Confederates were killed.

African Slavery killed 6,000,000 people.

The Holocaust killed 11,000,000 people.

WWII killed 55,000,000 people.

Vietnam killed 1,100,000 North Vietnamese, and 58,202 American soldiers.

Gulf War Syndrome has killed 9,500 Americans.

Freeing Iraq has killed 3000 American soldiers.

Almost every number listed above is an estimate, and therefore not every human life was accounted for. Unfortunately this is impossible to do. That said, every individual listed above was a human life, each one God loved enough to sacrifice His own son.

These numbers do one thing though. They put into perspective what war is, and what war can be. They put into perspective the reality of this situation - America has conquered a nation while taking under 1000 American deaths and held it long enough to give it back to its own people while taking ONLY 3000 deaths.

Do I disrespect the dead by saying ONLY? Absolutely not. I honor them and their bravery and professionalism by pointing out how well our Armed Forces has done. Show me another time in history where such a victory has been achieved.

And by fighting this evil, these 3000 brave men and woman who have died did so to protect the civilians back here in the United States (including the media who take every opportunity to disrespect them by saying that their deaths were not worth it), to protect and give freedom to the Iraqi people, and to protect Israel and therefore the stability of the entire region (because if Israel is ever forced to fight, they WILL win).

I am open about my opinions on how this war could have, or perhaps should have, been fought differently. But the cause and reason for fighting this was is just - put a stop to evil, and die for freedom. There is a time for war, there is a time to win, and this is it. It's before the millions die. There is no doubt that these 3000 brave and professional men and women who died have saved millions. Just look at history.

I can only hope that our nation is not so weak that we quit too early, only postponing the real war that looms on the horizon. I can hope, but I am doubtful. Our nation is weak. We are weak to the point where we would rather lose than fight "... if it saves the life if just one child...". It's about to get a whole lot worse than 3000 deaths, because we as a nation are in denial of reality. Just look at history.

Personally I have not been called to battle. I have been called to sit at our border with only a 9mm for protection against full-auto AK47 machine guns which occasionally rattle off in the distance, but I have not seen battle. I have been called to design the weapons that our soldiers will use, but I have not had to use them myself. There is little I can respect more than an American who willingly allows themselves to be put in a situation where they will have to use these weapons to not only defend themselves, but defend their fellow Americans, and fellow humans, from evil. And though I know that we free Americans only use our freedom to vote to vote our freedoms away, if I am ever called to battle, and if I die, I can only hope that it will be with the same bravery, and for such a cause, as not only these 3000 soldiers have fought, but the millions who have fought and died giving us the freedoms we have.


Disrespect for National Guard

For the last few weeks I was looking forward to today. I had planned on joining the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps on a caravan down to the border to visit the 156 National Guardsmen watching the AZ/Mexico border, and to give one of them my care package of cookies, candies, sunscreen and a few other items. The operation was dubbed "Operation Christmas Stocking," and was an excellent way to make sure our troops on the front line of the "war on terror" know they are appreciated.

But just last night I got a message from Chris Simcox saying that the operation had been canceled. Here is a press release stating why:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 22 December 2006
CONTACT: Bryan Rudnick, (703) 822-4665



SCOTTSDALE, AZ- The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) has been informed by commanders of the National Guard troops stationed on the United States-Mexico border that they will not be permitted to distribute care packages during the holiday season to 156 National Guard personnel stationed on the border. The event dubbed Operation Christmas Stocking was originally cleared by field command, suddenly on Monday of this week MCDC was notified that because of political reasons which involved orders from Governor Napolitano and high level commanders the offering of holiday support was nixed.

After several attempts to appeal to the sympathies of unit commanders, a statement released today by Major Paul Aguirre Public Affairs Office, AZ National Guard states "The National Guard is very appreciative of your thoughtful offer during this holiday season. However, based on operational, safety, and security reasons we will be unable to support your request to ... distribute your care packages to our soldiers and airmen".

The care packages were organized in an effort to demonstrate appreciation to the National Guard troops, from states other than Arizona, who have volunteered for the assignment to secure the border from terrorists, drug cartels and illegal crossings rather than spend their holiday season with their families in Michigan, Tennessee and North Carolina.

"We are grateful to the members of the National Guard who understand the importance of securing our borders and therefore we wish to demonstrate our appreciation for their sacrifice during the holiday season," stated Chris Simcox, Founder and President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. "Soldiers are always sent care packages while stationed on the front lines in combat and the US-Mexico border is the front line on the War on Terror." It is a shame they are punished by the politically motivated discriminatory acts of Governor Napolitano and the open borders lobby in Washington, D.C."

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) now has 156 cares packages that were to be delivered to Sasabe, Arizona on Saturday. The care packages include store bought cookies and candies, sunscreen, skin lotion, chap stick, long underwear and various other personal items to help our troops cope with the Sonoran desert region where they have been assigned.

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) is a peaceful, law-abiding citizen-led initiative organized to stand watch at our borders, report illegal activities to the proper authorities, and build border fencing on private lands using private donations. Additionally, MCDC seeks to urge local and federal officials to enforce our laws in order to keep our families and country safe. MCDC conducts border watch operations that assist the activities of the U.S. Border Patrol, reports employers of illegal aliens and keeps tax dollars from being used for illegal alien benefits.

"... for political reasons ..." ??? For POLITICAL reasons? What kind of political reasons could possibly shut down giving care packages to the National Guard on the border??? What kind of disrespect does this show on the part of Governor Napolitano? I'll let you answer those.


Stupid Laws

I have already stated that I think breaking into someone else's car should be illegal. Likewise, so should breaking into someone else's mail. But the people who broke into my car could at most be charged with criminal property damage, because they didn't steal anything. Keep in mind this is a CAR we are talking about.

Here is a letter I got. Click the photo to read what's written on the envelope:

Man that's official-looking. Look at the eagle emblem. And the threat... 5 years in PRISON! @ grand! And since that's more than one year, it means this would be a felony. That means you lose your right to vote and own weapons, among other things. This must me a very important letter!

Let's open it and see:

What on EARTH could it be?!?! It MUST be important to threaten 5 years of someone's life, and therefore their family member's lives as well, as well as the person's voting rights and personal protection rights. I can't wait to see what's worth THAT! Let's continue:

Oh, the tension is building... I can see it, but what is it? $1,000,000 check? No, it's got to be more than that. They threatened someone's FREEDOM over this. It's got to be more like $10,000,000. Or perhaps I have been given a knighthood?

VEHICLES! It's something about vehicles! Is this a title to a car??? Maybe the deed to a dealership?

WOW. I don't think any other words can cover it.



There are very few things I think should be illegal. Breaking into someone else's vehicle to steal their stereo equipment IS ONE OF THEM.

I was sitting in my living room at about 3:30 AM working on a robot (I'm nuts) when I heard a car alarm go off. I kinda got up, you will have to guess if I grabbed my gun, and I slowly headed out the door to see what was up (I expected a false alarm). Just as I opened the door I heard tires squealing and a car driving off. I checked everything out and didn't see anything. I was about to go inside but I heard a sound coming from my car that sounded like water (???). So I examined the situation further and realized that the sound was actually this:

The sound was actually shattered glass from the driver's side window crackling as it settled while it lay on the ground. I checked out the rest of the car.

I have my alarm set to very "not sensitive" since I ride a loud sportbike and didn't want it setting off my alarm every morning. But I was amazed that it took them throwing my woofer into the rear window from the inside of the car to set off the alarm.

The police took a while to respond but apparently there was another break-in in the neighborhood that night. And if you imagined that I took my gun out there with me, then you can also assume that the police were very good about it and didn't really care. (TPD is cool!)

Anyway, the thieves ran and didn't take anything. State Farm repaired the windows the next day!


I agree with the ACLU!

It always makes me cringe when I agree with the ACLU on absolutely anything. Usually it's for different reasons, of course...



Here are other recent links with more information:



Criminal Claustrophobia

More proof that the terrorists are winning this war:


I am claustrophobic as well, and have had it pretty bad on planes before. I have never walked the isles muttering "Pakistan" before, but I did almost punch a police officer (that's a story for another time).

This is another reason I should never get on a plane. If I ever get overly claustrophobic, instead of trying to help me, both air marshals and the flight crew will tackle me. Then they'll scramble F15's and threaten the other 193 passengers and the crew on the plane with sidewinder missiles. Then they will charge ME with federal crimes like they did her. My heart goes out to this woman, and every other passenger whose rights were further raped upon landing.

Then again, I wouldn't be carrying LOTION and MATCHES with me. She could have taken down the plane!

And people wonder why I believe that "the right to keep and bear arms" includes surface-to-air missiles.


Explosive Water in Airports

Once again I get warm fuzzies all over when TSA steps up security. At least I know I'm safe!

I found out this morning about the "liquid explosives" or whatever it was when a business meeting was postponed because the people we were meeting with were delayed at the airport.

"But Calan, are you saying that your business meeting was more important than the LIVES aboard those planes?"

In a way, I am saying that, and in a way I am not. I don't believe it's an either/or situation. What I am upset about is that we HELPED the terrorists hurt this country. The terrorist plot didn't fail, it was SUCCESSFUL. Hundreds of thousands will have their civil rights further raped, American business was hurt, dollars were spent, tax money was spent, resources were expended all so they can control you more and make sure that no one can bring a bottle of water with you on the plane. The terrorists are wielding TSA and the rest of this administration like a double-edged broadsword into the lives of Americans. And I, for one, believe that freedom is worth a few lives. And I'm not talking about other peoples' lives- I would fly MORE OFTEN without TSA (or ANY OTHER security whatsoever) than I do now with TSA in place. I would prefer the risk with a gun in my hand than to have my rights raped by my own government just so I can put the guns in their hands. It sickens me that there exists even a single American that would prefer the so-called "security" that in reality damns us all.

Thoughts on Israel

I don't know why I have not written on Israel earlier than now, I am very passionate about what I think here. I stand in support Israel, even if it means my life.

Thankfully most of the U.S. seems to be very supportive of Israel, and in my opinion it is one of the few correct decisions that the Bush Administration has made as of late (that and the decision not to pay for fetal stem-cell research - I don't want my tax money going to pay for that).

I honestly have even had this small voice in the back of my head urging me to offer to fight in the IDF, but for other reasons I don't think it's what I am supposed to do. I certainly would be willing to though.

There is really only one point that I would like to make about this, mostly because I don't think that there is much contention about this in the U.S. at this point. My only real issue is the idea of "proportional force." What a crock. I honestly cannot believe I am hearing this.

When armies use proportional force, wars last decades or even centuries instead of days. People don't die as quickly, but in the long run the result is more deaths, more animosity for a much longer period of time, and a constant state of war instead of a brief one. The idea behind war is to win, not to sustain it.

The UN has been calling for a cease fire since the first Israeli artillery round was shot (but they didn't care about Hesbollah's rockets). There is even some evidence that the UN has helped Hesbollah before the war to get the rockets in place, and during the war- when Israel bombed the UN building it was apparently also flying a Hesbollah flag. I have a hunch it was a little more than that.

The UN in my opinion is the worst thing that humanity has ever produced. I rate the UN below Hesbollah, below the Nazis, even below my old boss. The funny thing is that I'm not afraid of them. The UN is the stupidest, most incompetent group of tyrants that the world has ever seen. Who are they to tell Israel to stop defending itself? Who are they to tell anyone anything?

Once again I am going to shut it before I say something that isn't covered in the 1st Amendment.


Minuteman Project, April 2006

I have got a LOT of VERY interesting updates comeing very soon, please check back for what has happened with the Minuteman Project this month. I am busier at work than I have ever been before, and I am going out of state for work for two weeks for the beginning on May - but I will take my camcorder and pull photos from April off while I am there as I have time. Very interesting stuff- please check back soon.


Muslim Riots

I just don't understand how people can't identify with the Muslims rioting all over the world over the insensitive cartoons. I mean the cartoons called them terrorists and violent!



Alpizar was Murdered

I recently got an email alert from the JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership).

Read this link (even if you were familiar with the incident, read it all the way through): http://tinyurl.com/9wd2l

NO PRIVATE GUN OWNER would EVER get away with anything less than a murder conviction for what these guys did. Not to mention perjury and lying to investigators, all three of them federal felony charges. The real sick part is that our federal government says that if they didn't shoot, they would not have been doing their job.

Read the second link: http://tinyurl.com/83z4s

I have had the exact same thoughts and concerns as this man. I have believed that the single biggest threat to my life is my own government, simply because I refuse to give up my freedom and liberty. I don't trust them, I never will, and I believe that the chance that it will get me killed some day is relatively high.

Original JFPO alert:

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

December 20, 2005


In the _New American_, William Grigg discusses the killing
of 44-year old Rigoberto Alpizar by air marshals
(http://tinyurl.com/9wd2l). Says Grigg, "As if being
terrorized at gunpoint weren't enough, the passengers were
marched off the plane with their hands on their head and
then repeatedly prompted by federal authorities to say that
Alpizar claimed to have a bomb in his backpack." This
conservative writer for a conservative magazine makes no
apologies or excuses for the air marshals' actions. Indeed,
he castigates them!

Meanwhile, author and sometime-JPFO writer Claire Wolfe has
published a letter she received from a law-abiding, tax-
paying mainstream gentleman. He writes:

"I decided some time ago that I am a free man and not a
trained seal who will perform for some government thug on
command....I mention this because I wonder if it will get
me killed one day....I will not purchase my life with my
freedom and dignity." (http://tinyurl.com/83z4s)

What these two stories have in common is hope. The common
man -- the ordinary American -- is beginning to wake up and
realize what is happening around him. He is beginning to
notice the society we live in is not the society our
Founding Fathers intended. t's a small sign, but that it
exists at all is cause for (cautious) optimism.

Similar small victories and awakenings are evidenced by the
responses we've received regarding Bill of Rights Day
celebrations, proclamations, and published letters in
newspapers. Some examples:

- Sandy, Utah proclaimed December 15 Bill of Rights Day,
thanks to the efforts of Rodney C.
- Powell Gammill had a column published on Bill of Rights
Day in _Freedom's Phoenix_ (http://tinyurl.com/cxzt2)
- Jan Risher had a column published in the _Lafayette
Daily Advertiser_ on Bill of Rights Day
- Dan T. had a letter published in the _L.A. Daily News_
regarding Bill of Rights Day.
- Bill C in Missouri had a letter about Bill of Rights Day
published in the _Kirkwood/Webster Times_

It may not seem like much right now, but this is only the
beginning. Thank you to everyone who has continued to
spread the ideals of the Bill of Rights. Together we can
bring back a Bill of Rights Culture in America!

Bill of Rights Day 2006 is 360 days away -- how are YOU
planning to celebrate?

- The Liberty Crew


Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2005 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long as the
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A Different Christmas Poem

I am not sure who wrote this.


The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.

My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.

Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.

My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.

In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.

Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.

My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.

A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.

Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!

Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"

For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night." "

It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.

No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.

My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram ways remembers."

My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.

Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.

"I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.

I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..

Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."

"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."

"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?

It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son."

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.

That's payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.


Something That Every American Should See

I got an email from a friend the other day that I think I should pass on:

(click on photo to enlarge)
This statue currently stands outside the Iraqi palace, now home to the 4th Infantry division. It will eventually be shipped home and put in the memorial museum in Fort Hood, TX .

The statue was created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad.

Kalat was so grateful for the Americans liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the American soldiers and their fallen warriors.

Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months.

To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms.

Do you know why we don't hear about this in the news? Because it is heart warming and praise worthy. The media avoids it because it does not have the shock effect.